TokenYield — FAQ and Reference Guide

Ashe Oro
Published in
7 min readMay 29, 2019

Use this document to gain more clarity about the specifics of TokenYield and how it can help you better track and manage your blockchain staking rewards portfolio.

What is Token Yield?

Did you know that some blockchain tokens pay rewards? We call this “token yield”, but which tokens pay and how much? is your blockchain dashboard to track and manage your staking rewards portfolio. Visit daily to track each token’s rewards and ROI as well as details about your portfolio when logging in with Scatter.

So how does TokenYield help make me money?

  • Identify tokens with the best ROIs
  • Track staking rewards paid to your account
  • Compare your winners and losers each day
  • Watch for shifting trends
  • Stay up-to-date with your portfolio value

How do I log in?

We currently support logging in via Scatter Desktop. Download here.

How will I know if I’m logged in?

Your EOS account name will be in the header.

Is there a Premium or Subscription product?

Not currently, but it’s in the works. If you are familiar w/ the EOS codebase or Vue.js give us a shout!

Does TokenYield take custody of or control my tokens?

Absolutely not! We never have control or custody of your blockchain assets. TokenYield offers an easy-to-use dashboard that helps YOU easily manage your own portfolio.

Does TokenYield endorse any tokens?

We will never endorse a token. We track tokens and only add them to the site after they pass our objective thresholds.

Does TokenYield store any user information?

We do NOT collect or store any user information. All account information is available on the public EOS blockchain and we access it when the user signs in.

Token Criteria

We don’t want to list just any token that offers a staking reward because there are plenty of questionable tokens out there. We run each token through our OBJECTIVE qualification thresholds that we feel helps keep the quality up and scams down. That said, we do NOT make any buy/sell recommendations nor do we endorse any specific token. DYOR!

Objective token thresholds

  • Market Cap in USD
  • Liquidity in USD (trading volume at
  • Pays a regular reward and rarely misses a payout

When are new tokens added?

We will consider listing new tokens once they meet and maintain our objective thresholds. If you feel a token qualifies but isn’t included, please contact us!

When are tokens removed?

If a token falls below one of our thresholds but quickly recovers, it will not be removed. Tokens that cannot sustain above the minimum requirements will be removed. We will re-evaluate and consider re-listing in the future.

Do we endorse any tokens at TokenYield?

We will never endorse a token.

ROI Calculations

How do we calculate ROI?

ROI yield is calculated from a model account consisting of a fixed amount of staked tokens and daily (24h) reward claiming period.

ROI = (Reward paid) / (Staked token value)

*Rewards paid and staked tokens are converted to their EOS equivalent value for all calculations

Is the ROI accurate?

The reward claiming process is automated providing an accurate and objective ROI measurement every 24h.

Why do you use 24h and 7d ROI?

The token reward business model is still very new and we don’t expect investors to hold tokens for 12 months. A Daily and Weekly ROI is more realistic for now.

Reward Calculations

How are your staking rewards calculated? Are my rewards accurate or approximate?

When logged in with your EOS account, TokenYield will load your *current* token balances and apply our recorded ROI’s to reliably approximate your token reward. Please note that this assumes you held each token for a full 7 days and were properly staked.

Do you include all tokens paid out as rewards?

Some investments (ie DICE) pay rewards in multiple tokens. We calculate the ROI using the EOS token as well as all/most other rewards tokens paid out.

Website Sections

Here’s a breakdown of all the sections included in the TokenYield website. Each has a specific purpose to help you keep track of your stack.

Highlight Boxes

These 5 highlight boxes give you a quick glance into your portfolio’s most important stats and are updated every 24h.

Top Daily Rewards

These are YOUR top 4 largest token rewards paid in the last 24 hours and ranked by token. The rest are identified by the “Other” label if you have more than 4 tokens in your portfolio.

Rewards Summary

Track and compare your individual token’s ROI and rewards paid.

Daily Rewards Paid

A graph showing your estimated total rewards paid for the last 7 days.

Daily Portfolio Value

A graph showing the estimated value of your portfolio for the last 7 days. The amount only includes tokens in your portfolio which we support.

My Portfolio

Comprehensive and detailed information including only the tokens which you hold:

  • Price
  • Amount of tokens you hold
  • % of Portfolio each token accounts for
  • 24h Users
  • 24h Transactions
  • 24h Smart Contract Volume (usage volume)
  • 24h Traded Volume based on website (liquidity)

All Tokens

Compare each token to see the best performers in each category. Use these insights to find the tokens which may be a good fit for you. Again, all data is objective and we would never recommend a coin for you to buy, sell or hold. DYOR.

Use the All Tokens section to easily compare metrics such as:

  • Price
  • 7d ROI
  • 24h ROI
  • 24h Users
  • 24h Transactions
  • 24h Smart Contract Volume (usage volume)
  • 24h Traded Volume based on website (liquidity)

Daily ROI Graph (7 days)

This shows the 7 day ROI for the token you’ve selected in the “All Tokens” section.

Where is your Dapp information from?

We use for 24h Users and 24h Transactions. We use for 24h Volume.

Where is your price feed from?

Prices are pulled daily from using the current ‘bid price’ and for the EOS price.

Our Partners

Who are TokenYield’s partners?

Stay Connected

How can I stay updated?

How do I report issues or give feedback?

About Us

Ashe Oro
EOS Radio, FreedomProxy, LibertyVAs, Liberty Entrepreneurs Podcast

Zane Whitener
EOS Radio, FreedomProxy

We are free market focused crypto enthusiasts who promote the idea of building freedom. Rather than fighting for freedom, we believe that it’s within each of our individual abilities to build it.

Before cryptocurrency, we were big supporters of gold and silver which naturally led us to Bitcoin and other blockchain assets. Competitive, market-based money has always been a foundational piece of our freedom puzzle.

We’re also entrepreneurs and we understand that cashflow is the secret that our school system never taught us. The growing trend of profit sharing and the p2p economy is opening up passive income opportunities on a global scale never seen before. We came to the idea for TokenYield in January 2019 after first learning that profit sharing, cashflow positive dApps existed and knew that we needed a tool to help us track and manage our portfolios. For the first time there were tokens that you could hold and stake which didn’t require you to only bet on capital gains and we had to get in front of the trend.

For now, most reward paying tokens are gaming, casinos or social media platforms, but over time we expect the majority of traditional stock market assets to move to the blockchain and we will be well positioned to track all of their ROIs. The Decentralized Finance movement is upon us and TokenYield is here to help guide you through the blockchain passive income space as it matures.

This is a multi-trillion dollar industry and we are at the very early stages. So hang on tight, the entire financial world is changing and you are one of the first people to identify it and we are honored to be one of many tools you’ll use along your way towards financial freedom.

If you’d like to know more about us, please check out our weekly podcast, EOS Radio, where we host roundtable conversations on the most important topics in the EOS ecosystem. We also operate FreedomProxy, an EOS voter proxy, where we support liberty-minded Block Producers on the EOS mainnet. If you fancy the libertarian mindset, check out Ashe’s podcast Liberty Entrepreneurs to hear discussions on all things freedom, entrepreneurship, digital nomad, cryptocurrency, international living and of course how to #buildfreedom.

We truly hope you find value in TokenYield. We really enjoyed building it. Please send your feedback to or our public telegram channel

HUGE THANKS to the EOSphere Dev team for helping us realize our vision for TokenYield and we couldn’t have done it without them. A special thanks to Brendon Ross who lead the charge as our primary developer. His experience and excitement for cryptocurrency, full stack development and his passion for blockchain rewards helped us tremendously.

Financial Disclaimer

We will never recommend any investment to you. We don’t know you, your risk tolerance or any of your circumstances. You should always do your own research and ask your financial advisor. As with any new technology, these assets should be treated as very risky. Only invest what you can lose.

Our ROI data has been objectively calculated from our model account, but your actual ROI and rewards may differ depending on your stake amount, stake duration and rewards paid.



Ashe Oro

Blockchain Product, Engineer, Liberty Entrepreneur, Applying Free Market Principles to Build Personal Freedom.