Tokes Platform Newsletter, February 2019 — Merchant Gateway Updates, Event Activations, and More

Multichain News
Tokes Platform
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2019

Welcome back Tokes enthusiasts,

This month we would like to discuss some newly implemented and upcoming features of the Tokes Merchant Gateway. While last month featured the completion of the Merchant Gateway Release Candidate 1 (RC1), our team has been grinding away implementing new features by the day, and we are quickly approaching the completion of the Merchant Gateway Release Candidate 2 (RC2).

Merchant Gateway RC2

Currently the RC1 version of the Merchant Gateway has the following feature set:

  • Price conversion from US dollars to equivalent value in Tokes (TKS), Bitcoin (BTC) or Litecoin (LTC)— additional fiat currencies can be added easily. Currently, the app queries order books on Bittrex for current market price, along with depth on the buy side of the order book — creates a single invoiced order and “cart” for each transaction, along with total settlement value. This has an easy checkout process using QR codes scannable by our Tokes Mobile Wallet or Waves Wallet.
  • Product, product category, and inventory management. Allows the merchant to easily add product category, price, and ID numbers
  • Dashboard of sales data and widgets. Displays regularly queried sales analytics (e.g., month over month sales, top selling products, highest grossing salesperson)
  • Trade processing and settlement
  • Employee sales management
  • Sales and accounting data export (in either CSV or JSON)
  • Deployable on desktops, tablets, or mobile devices as a React Native application

We are quickly approaching the RC2 release of the Gateway, making some considerable improvements to the dashboard widgets to enhance visual analytics for the merchant.


  • Portfolio asset monitoring
  • Order payment summaries
  • Employee metrics
  • Security monitoring
  • Sales metrics (goals, periodized analytics)
  • Sales category monitoring
  • Customer metrics

The following screenshot shows a collection of many widgets running displayed together in tandem. The user will have the option of specifying which widgets are displayed by default upon logging in to the Gateway.

Upon finalizing the widget implementation of RC2, we will turn our focus to ecommerce integrations of the Merchant Gateway. The goal in the ecommerce phase is to produce an end product that facilitates easy ecommerce checkouts using the same inventory management system as our the brick and mortar version of the Merchant Gateway.

Better Tokens

The Tokes Platform has decided to participate in the better Tokens project via The Tokenization Standards Association (TSA), has launched the Better Tokens initiative in order to assess the legitimacy and quality of tokenized projects under a clear set of guidelines. By establishing industry standards, Better Tokens aims to increase investor protection, help fight fraud, and create a better tokenized ecosystem. Qualified tokens are identified on the Waves DEX with a ticker. We look forward to our certification within the Waves DEX, and will keep our readers appraised of progress within the program.

Event Activations

Over the next few months we will begin a series of Tokes activation events where we will deploy the Merchant Gateway on site, and send event attendees a small allocation of Tokes for them to use at the event. These events will particularly target individuals working within the cannabis industry and serve as a vehicle for Tokes to demonstrate the utility of our software for their businesses. While attendees will receive Tokes just for attending, we intend to demonstrate the entire workflow on site, from token acquisition via the Vault Logic ATM onto the Mobile Wallet and through finalizing a purchase on the Merchant Gateway itself. Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for our first event announcements, as availability will be limited to first come first serve basis.

Until next time…

Here’s to something new. Here’s to the revolution.

Download the Tokes Mobile Wallets for Android and iOS…

