4 simple tips to show customers you care

Building a startup from Latin America
3 min readJun 28, 2016


Customers are vital to the operation of your startup or business and you should properly take care of them. Having the best product is not enough if there isn’t anyone willing to use it much less want to pay for it. Your product or service and your business model should be designed hand in hand with market analysis and definition of customers to whom you could offer it; that group of people or companies with a need that can be satisfied by your value proposition. It is vital to find what is known as Product/Market Fit

Product/Market fit could be defined as the ideal spot in which your product or service fulfills the need for a market segment that might be willing to pay for it.

Achieving this state allows you to define growth strategies, but you should have in mind that every customer acquired is key to reach the goals. To take care of your customers are some tips we use in Toky.

Tip 1: Give your customers real value

When you have a product to offer and a market identified, you should keep in mind that even large startups began their path with just a few users. In Toky, from the beginning, we have been aware that our growth would be one customer at a time. Each customer acquired, either free or paid, is critical to our evolution and survival. Although we now have many more users than we had in the early days of our startup, we never stop thinking that are persons who use our service and with whom we commitment to quality and evolution.

Give a real value to your customers is avoiding thoughts about them as mere numbers or money, and always recognize them as persons with needs looking at you as a way to fulfill them.

Tip 2: Give multiple ways of contact and give adequated responses

You must provide your customers, different ways to get in contact with your business and, it is important to give always a friendly and polite answers and providing an appropriate response. A good customer support is the base of a good and lasting relationship.
In Toky, our customers can contact us by email, phone numbers, social networks or our widget Click To Call in our website. Each customer contact is properly registered, a response is planned and we make follow up the cases until they are solved.

Tip 3: Know your customers and track its history

Knowing your customers is not just a need for organizing your startup or business; it’s an act of respect. It’s critical to have properly organized all the information from your customers, their contact history, notes, incidents, payments, and agreements etc. In Toky use:

  • Hubspot CRM for customers information, history, and classification.
  • ZenDesk for incidents management and features request.
  • Mixpanel allows you to track and record visitors events and activities.

Know other tools used in Toky in another post

Tip 4: Remind your customers that you’re still there for them, but not too much

Although your customers don’t contact you for support issues, it is necessary to find ways of stay in touch with them; for this, you can use postings in social networks, content creation and sending email newsletters. In Toky, we know that our customers are startups or businesses that want to grow and be profitable, so we are creating content they can be useful in the process; these contents are published in our blog, shared in social networks and sent in our weekly newsletter, there, we also share features, updates, and tips about the use of Toky.

We use MailChimp to send our newsletters. This tool allows us to know who open, click on the links and other statistics that help us to learn more about our customers and being able to offer better features and content.

You should be careful with every newsletter sent and avoid being classified as SPAM, which not only affects your brand but also could negatively impact the relationship with your customers.

In conclusion

It is important that your customers know that even though there is already a business relationship, you’re concerned about their needs and that you are willing to listen and give an appropriate response.

Originally published at blog.toky.co on June 28, 2016.



Building a startup from Latin America

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