Credit Saison implements DataRobot for instant credit card approval

Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech
Published in
3 min read5 days ago

Credit Saison has launched a new card application form, optimizing customer information required on application forms with the aim of improving the customer credit card application experience. The new form reduces the information customers are required to provide when applying for a credit card by up to 30%. In addition, after applying for a card, in an industry first, card applications can be screened instantly through an AI model developed by DataRobot. This function is patent pending.

Background behind this initiative

Previous card application forms required customers to enter a uniform amount of information, regardless of their application information or desired supplementary services, which took time and formed a barrier to providing customers with more opportunities to obtain a credit card.

In order to further meet the needs of customers and affiliated card partners for the safe, secure, and convenient immediate use of their cards, we have incorporated the use of AI in the credit application and screening process, a technology we have cultivated over the years, and digitized the entire process from card application to issuance.

This initiative is part of digitalization efforts in Credit Saison’s payment business under the digital transformation (CSDX) strategy the company has been implementing since 2019.

Characteristics of this initiative

By introducing an advanced machine learning model based on a tool developed by DataRobot into the card application and screening system and improving the accuracy of the screening process, information required can be flexibly changed according to customer attributes and supplementary services.

The minimum time required to issue a card from the completion of the application process has been reduced from five minutes to a minimum of three minutes, thanks to the 0-second screening process, which completes the screening process as soon as the application is submitted.

This service is available starting with SAISON CARD Digital, and the number of applicable cards types will be gradually expanded to include affiliated partner cards as the accuracy is further improved through machine learning.

Credit Saison will continue to refine their services by leveraging the know-how they have accumulated in their payment business and digital technology in the pursuit of an effortless experience for their customers (minimizing stress when using their services) and to realize their management philosophy of being a “leading-edge service company”.

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Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech

Passionate about strategy & innovation across Asia. At home in Japan. Connector of people & ideas.