MUFG and Musim Mas leverage Web3 for sustainable palm oil production

Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2023
Photo by Paul Szewczyk on Unsplash

Musim Mas and MUFG Bank have joined forces to launch a POC (Proof of Concept) to trial the application of Web3 in establishing a verified deforestation-free value chain with independent smallholders in the Sambas region of Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Web3 makes use of technology such as blockchain that cannot be tampered with or deleted. This potentially makes it an effective platform for managing data and verifying the sustainability credentials of smallholders. Trusted and independent credentials could then be used to meet regulatory requirements for traceability and verified deforestation-free palm oil, such as the EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR).

For buyers, the Web3 POC aims to provide added assurance with features such as an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil-certified (RSPO) wallets for farmers, further facilitating the tracking and collecting of verifiable data that ensures all purchased palm oil meets the relevant industry certification and regulatory reporting requirements.

The RSPO is the first and most comprehensive global certification system for sustainable palm oil. RSPO certification represents palm oil that is free of deforestation and slash-and-burn agriculture while meeting other rigorous environmental and social standards. However, certification requires extensive independent audits, which is currently out of reach for most of Indonesia’s 2.7 million oil palm smallholders. While smallholders represent over 41% of palm oil production by land area in the country, they often lack legal land titles or other collateral to secure financing and are often unbanked. In the absence of incentives, smallholders, therefore, lack the inclination to produce sustainably.

Musim Mas runs Indonesia’s largest independent smallholder program, which has trained over 42,900 smallholders to date on the know-how to produce sustainably.

The Web3 POC will enable financial access for the smallholders, starting with the ones who are RSPO-certified as a trial.

As part of this trial, MUFG plans to provide Musim Mas with Web3 wallet and Decentralized Identity/Verifiable Credentials (DID/VC), empowered by blockchain technology, thereby allowing for greater digital data integration between smallholders, their organizations, and various actors across the agri-food and commodities supply chain such as companies that purchase their product. Smallholders involved in the program create a digital wallet account where they may store, access, and manage their credentials) such as RSPO certification status. The smallholders are given access to RSPO training school, arranged by Musim Mas, to receive certification. Another feature to be introduced in the POC is Purpose Bound Money, which seeks to ensure that funds for smallholders are dedicated to their intended purpose.

For MUFG, the long-term aim for this POC is to build an end-to-end sustainability supply chain platform with expanding functionalities such as data integration and smart agriculture with business partners like Musim Mas.

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Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech

Passionate about strategy & innovation across Asia. At home in Japan. Connector of people & ideas.