Revitalizing Japan’s Corporate Bond Market

Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech
Published in
4 min readAug 11, 2024

The Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) released a report in July 2024 outlining their findings and recommendations for revitalizing the nation’s corporate bond market. The report acknowledges the market’s underdeveloped state compared to global counterparts, particularly in the high-yield bond segment, and identifies key challenges hindering its growth.

One primary concern is the limited participation of lower-rated companies seeking to issue bonds. The market is dominated by highly rated issuers, resulting in a lack of diversity and restricting investment opportunities. This homogeneity is partly attributed to the absence of strong bondholder protection mechanisms, which deter investors seeking higher returns in the high-yield space.

The report emphasizes that while Japan’s corporate bond market has been recognized as an important component of corporate finance, its growth has been stagnant. The issuance volume and outstanding balance remain significantly lower than in more developed markets. This lack of dynamism can be attributed to several factors, including:

  • Investor Base Concentration: A significant portion of investors comprises deposit-taking financial institutions, with a relatively smaller share held by investment trusts and foreign investors compared to markets like the US.
  • Unattractive Bond Characteristics: The predominance of unsecured bonds, limited use of covenants beyond basic restrictions, and infrequent appointment of bond administrators are all cited as factors making Japanese corporate bonds less attractive to a broader range of investors.

These concerns were further highlighted by a corporate bond default in April 2023, prompting a renewed focus on strengthening the market. The JSDA report, a culmination of extensive deliberations by the Working Group on Infrastructure Development for the Revitalization of the Corporate Bond Market, seeks to address these concerns and proposes a multi-pronged approach to revitalization.


The report’s key recommendations revolve around three core areas.

1. Strengthening Bondholder Protection

This is crucial for attracting a wider investor base, particularly in the high-yield segment. The report suggests:

1.1 Mandating “Fundamentally Necessary Covenants”

The report strongly advocates for incorporating covenants that provide investors with essential safeguards, especially in bonds issued by lower-rated companies (BB or below).

Two key covenants highlighted are:

  • Change of Control Provisions: These would grant bondholders the right to demand early redemption (put option) if the issuer undergoes significant ownership or management changes, including delisting; and
  • Reporting Covenants: Requiring regular and comprehensive financial disclosures, particularly after delisting, ensures transparency and allows investors to monitor the issuer’s financial health.

1.2 Expanding the Role of Bond Administration Assistants

The report proposes a more active role for these entities, including:

  • Actively gauging bondholder sentiment on key issues such as potential covenant breaches and the necessity of convening bondholder meetings.
  • Acting as a communication conduit between the issuer and bondholders, particularly during critical events.

1.3 Enhancing Disclosure Requirements:

Building on recent amendments requiring disclosure of specific financial covenants in loan agreements, the report recommends aligning these requirements with bond issuances for consistency and investor protection.

2. Promoting Flexibility and Efficiency

This involves creating a more agile and responsive framework to encourage broader issuer participation:

  • Establishing Clear Covenant Breach Protocols: This involves developing a standardized framework outlining options for waivers, amendments, and other resolutions when a covenant is breached. Clearer procedures provide certainty and expedite the resolution process, making the market more attractive for both issuers and investors.
  • Modernizing Bondholder Meetings: The report explores incorporating electronic or hybrid meeting formats, improving accessibility and efficiency while reducing logistical barriers for all parties involved.

3. Building Consensus and Fostering Collaboration

The report acknowledges that revitalizing the market requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders.

  • Encouraging Dialogue and Education: The JSDA plans to actively engage with market participants to raise awareness about the proposed changes and foster a shared understanding of the benefits of a more robust corporate bond market.
  • Reviewing and Revising Existing Regulations: The report suggests reviewing and revising existing regulations, such as those governing underwriting standards, to incorporate the recommendations regarding covenant inclusion and other investor protection measures.


The JSDA’s July 2024 report represents a significant step towards building a more robust and dynamic corporate bond market in Japan. By prioritizing investor protection, promoting flexibility, and fostering a collaborative approach, the report lays the groundwork for a more attractive market that can support a wider range of issuers and contribute to Japan’s overall economic growth. The successful implementation of these recommendations requires a shared commitment from regulators, issuers, and investors to overcome existing challenges and unlock the full potential of Japan’s corporate bond market.

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Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech

Passionate about strategy & innovation across Asia. At home in Japan. Connector of people & ideas.