SBI Holdings takes 10% stake in Mynavi

Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2023
Photo by Cai Fang on Unsplash

SBI Holdings has concluded a capital and business agreement with Mynavi Corporation by acquiring 10.59% of Mynavi’s total number of shares issued.

SBI Holdings is advancing its “Open Alliance Strategy,” which materializes win-win relationships with numerous external companies across various industries. Through this Open Alliance, SBI Holdings is collaboratively building a framework with diverse partners to provide comprehensive services that cannot be achieved by a single entity alone, in order to meet various demands from customers. With the purpose “to create a world that envisions the future by engaging individual potential,” Mynavi offers services that support users’ daily lives and experiences in a wide range of business fields, including job hunting, career change, further education, and lifestyle. The two companies have deepened their cooperation through investments by Mynavi in the SBI Group’s venture capital fund, and now, the two companies have entered into a capital and business alliance agreement to further strengthen the cooperation between the SBI Group and the Mynavi Group and realize business synergies to further enhance the corporate value of both groups.

The aim of this business alliance is to:

  • Expand profit opportunities for both parties through various means such as supporting Mynavi Group’s human resources business by leveraging SBI Group’s network of affiliated regional financial institutions and utilizing SBI Group’s financial and corporate networks as well as cooperation between media operated by Mynavi Group and SBI Group
  • Accelerate growth through collaboration and complementation between the various group companies of both groups that have related interests in the finance related and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) areas, among others

Mynavi, established in 1973, remains a privately held company with more than 12,000 employees across the group. It is noteworthy for its broad interests, listing as its business purpose the following:

  • Newspaper issuance, publication business and electronic publication business
  • Employment information provision and consulting in relation to job offer and employment activities
  • Advertising, publicity and public relations
  • Worker dispatching business
  • Fee-charging employment placement business
  • Planning, design and implementation of seminars, lectures, training courses and other events
  • Consulting, education and training for human resources development and corporation management
  • Provision of information on recruitment by high schools, universities, colleges, vocational schools, etc., and consulting on student recruiting
  • Operation and operation subcontracting of various certification examinations
  • Tutor dispatching business
  • Provision of wedding-related information
  • Provision of information on lease and transfer of real estate
  • Provision of information on accommodation facilities
  • Provision of information on agriculture
  • Reservation agent service for restaurants, accommodation facilities, entertainment, beauty salons, medical institutions and other various facilities
  • Travel agency
  • Planning, design and implementation of cultural, research, artistic, sports and other projects for international exchange
  • Services related to solicitation for life insurance and non-life insurance agency
  • Management of various schools and correspondence course business and sale of related goods
  • Interpretation and translation business
  • Planning, development, production, sale and import/export of computer programs, game programs, video programs, and music programs
  • Information processing and information provision services using telephones and other telecommunication lines as well as computer systems
  • Operation and management of contact center
  • Business process outsourcing service
  • Provision of system development and outsourcing service in relation to salary payment
  • Map and geospatial data production service with computing
  • Planning, sale, import/export of household goods, clothes and dry goods, accessories, stuffed dolls, food and drink, etc. as well as their intermediary
  • Management, administration and operation as well as planning and development of restaurants
  • Management, administration, operation and planning of accommodation facilities
  • Online retailing
  • Sale of agricultural products, processed goods, etc.
  • Planning and operation of auctions
  • Sending agency for publications and goods
  • Administration, operation, sale and intermediary of copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual properties
  • Trading of various credit
  • Lease, trading, mediation and brokerage of real estate and their administration service
  • Management, administration and operation of buildings and their planning and development
  • Acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage services
  • Care and welfare business
  • Manufacture, sale and import/export of medicines, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, medical equipment, health food and related goods
  • Any other business incidental to the businesses referred to in any of the above items

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Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech

Passionate about strategy & innovation across Asia. At home in Japan. Connector of people & ideas.