Snowflake at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Group: A Journey of Data-Driven Transformation

Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech
Published in
7 min read1 day ago

The Snowflake World Tour made a stop in Tokyo during September, and approximately 5,000 participants filled the halls of the ANA InterContinental in Akasaka. Some sessions, like Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking’s, were fully booked, and the line for entry extended through the basement. Kudos to the organizers for managing such a large crowd.

The following is our first event report from the two financial services-focused presentations. It provides a comprehensive overview of how the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Group (MUTB Group) is leveraging Snowflake’s cloud data platform to overcome data management challenges and unlock new opportunities for data-driven decision-making and innovation across its various business units. The presentation at the event highlighted the journey of three specific entities within the MUTB Group: Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Investment Technology Institute (MTEC), The Master Trust Bank of Japan (MTBJ), and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (MUTB).

1. Introduction

The MUTB Group, a key player in the trust banking sector within the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), plays a crucial role in managing a diverse range of assets and providing specialized trust services. The group comprises several entities, with three key players — MTEC, MTBJ, and MUTB — highlighted in the presentation for their innovative approaches to data management and utilization using Snowflake.

2. Challenges Before Snowflake: A Common Thread

Before adopting Snowflake, the MUTB Group faced various data-related challenges, hindering its ability to fully leverage data for business growth and improved customer service. These challenges were prevalent across different entities within the group:

  • Environment Management Complexity: Managing numerous database servers across different business units demanded significant resources, making security management and resource allocation cumbersome.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Traditional data infrastructure struggled to handle the increasing volume and variety of data, resulting in slow query performance and hindering real-time data analysis.
  • Data Access Inefficiencies: Accessing and analyzing data stored in disparate systems and formats proved inefficient, particularly when dealing with unstructured data like JSON and XML.
  • Limitations in Data Sharing: Sharing large volumes of data with external partners and clients involved manual processes and lacked a secure and efficient platform for collaboration.

These challenges collectively hindered the group’s ability to gain timely insights from data, collaborate effectively, and develop innovative data-driven solutions.

3. Snowflake: A Catalyst for Data-Driven Transformation

Recognizing the need for a robust and scalable data platform, the MUTB Group turned to Snowflake, a cloud-based data platform offering a unified solution to address their data challenges. Snowflake’s key advantages include:

  • Simplified Environment Management: Snowflake’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model eliminates the need for on-premise infrastructure management, simplifying operations and reducing administrative burdens.
  • Enhanced Performance and Scalability: Snowflake’s unique architecture, separating storage and compute resources, enables independent scaling based on demand, ensuring high performance even with large data volumes and complex queries.
  • Streamlined Data Access and Integration: Snowflake provides a single platform for storing and querying structured and semi-structured data, simplifying data access for analysts and developers.
  • Secure Data Sharing Capabilities: Snowflake’s Secure Data Sharing feature enables controlled and secure data sharing with external parties, facilitating collaboration and data monetization opportunities.

4. MTEC: Pioneering Financial Engineering and Data-Driven Research

MTEC, a specialized research institute within the MUTB Group, focuses on applying advanced financial engineering principles and data analytics to develop innovative investment solutions for clients.

4.1. Challenges and Snowflake’s Impact

MTEC faced challenges in managing vast datasets and efficiently collaborating with external partners on research projects. Snowflake’s implementation enabled MTEC to:

  • Centralize and manage research data: Snowflake provided a unified platform to store and manage data from various sources, simplifying data access and analysis for researchers.
  • Improve research efficiency and collaboration: Snowflake’s data sharing capabilities enabled secure and seamless collaboration with external partners on research projects, accelerating innovation and knowledge sharing.
  • Develop and deploy AI-powered solutions: Snowflake’s scalable infrastructure empowers MTEC to develop and deploy sophisticated AI and machine learning models for advanced financial analysis and investment strategy optimization.

4.2. Example Use Case: Text Analysis Model for Investment Insights

MTEC developed a text analysis model using Snowflake to analyze corporate disclosure documents and extract valuable insights for investment decisions. This model leverages natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to:

  • Identify investment themes: The model analyzes the text of corporate disclosures to identify emerging trends and investment themes relevant to specific industries and sectors.
  • Assess company performance and sentiment: The model extracts sentiment and performance indicators from textual data, providing additional insights into a company’s financial health and future prospects.
  • Generate investment signals: By combining textual analysis with traditional financial data, the model identifies potential investment opportunities and provides actionable insights for portfolio managers.

5. MTBJ: Transforming Asset Management with Data Sharing and Collaboration

MTBJ, the first trust bank in Japan to be exclusively engaged in the asset administration business with asset managers as clients, sought to enhance its services by providing clients with greater data transparency and facilitating more collaborative workflows.

5.1. Challenges and Snowflake’s Impact

MTBJ faced challenges in securely sharing large data volumes with clients and lacked a unified platform for seamless data access and collaboration. Snowflake’s implementation enabled MTBJ to:

  • Establish a secure and scalable data sharing platform: Snowflake’s Secure Data Sharing feature allowed MTBJ to securely share real-time portfolio data and analytical insights with clients, enhancing transparency and trust.
  • Empower clients with data-driven insights: By providing clients with direct access to their data through Snowflake, MTBJ enabled clients to perform their own analysis and gain a deeper understanding of their portfolio performance.
  • Reduce manual processes and improve efficiency: Snowflake’s data sharing capabilities streamlined data exchange processes, eliminating manual data extraction and transfer efforts, freeing up resources for higher-value tasks.

5.2. Example Use Case: Providing Real-time Portfolio Data to Clients

MTBJ leveraged Snowflake to create a secure data sharing environment where clients can access their portfolio data and analytics in real time. This solution empowers clients to:

  • Monitor portfolio performance: Clients gain real-time visibility into their portfolio holdings, transactions, and performance metrics, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Perform custom analysis: Clients can utilize Snowflake’s analytical capabilities to perform their own analysis on their data, gaining deeper insights tailored to their specific needs.
  • Collaborate with MTBJ: The shared data environment fosters closer collaboration between MTBJ and its clients, enabling more informed discussions and joint analysis of portfolio performance and strategy.

6. MUTB: Driving Data-Driven Decision-Making Across the Organization

MUTB, the core trust banking entity within the group, aimed to establish a centralized data platform to break down data silos, improve data quality, and empower business users with data-driven insights.

6.1. Challenges and Snowflake’s Impact

MUTB faced challenges related to data silos, manual data integration processes, and a lack of a centralized platform for data analysis. Snowflake’s implementation enabled MUTB to:

  • Consolidate data from disparate systems: Snowflake provided a centralized repository for data from various business units and external sources, breaking down data silos and enabling a unified view of business operations.
  • Improve data quality and governance: Snowflake’s data governance capabilities allowed MUTB to establish data quality standards, ensuring data accuracy and consistency across the organization.
  • Empower business users with self-service analytics: Snowflake’s user-friendly interface and analytical tools empowered business users to access and analyze data independently, reducing reliance on IT and enabling faster, data-driven decision-making.

6.2. Example Use Case: Centralizing Customer Data for Personalized Services

MUTB leveraged Snowflake to consolidate customer data from various internal systems, creating a 360-degree view of its customers. This centralized customer data platform enabled:

  • Personalized product recommendations: By analyzing customer data, MUTB can now provide personalized product recommendations and offers tailored to individual customer needs and preferences.
  • Improved customer segmentation and targeting: The centralized data enables MUTB to segment customers based on various criteria, allowing for more effective marketing campaigns and targeted communication strategies.
  • Proactive customer service: By analyzing customer interactions and transaction history, MUTB can proactively identify potential issues and provide timely and personalized customer support, enhancing customer satisfaction.

7. The Future: Expanding the Data-Driven Ecosystem and Embracing New Opportunities

The MUTB Group’s journey with Snowflake is ongoing, with plans to further expand the platform’s usage and explore new opportunities for data-driven innovation. Future plans include:

  • Expanding data sources and use cases: Integrating additional internal and external data sources into Snowflake to support a wider range of use cases, including risk management, fraud detection, and regulatory reporting.
  • Enhancing data governance and security: Implementing robust data governance frameworks and security protocols to ensure data privacy and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Leveraging advanced analytics and AI/ML: Exploring the use of advanced analytics and AI/ML capabilities within Snowflake to unlock deeper insights from data and develop innovative data-driven solutions.
  • Fostering data-driven culture: Promoting a data-driven culture across the organization by providing training and resources to empower employees to leverage data in their daily work.

8. Conclusion

The MUTB Group’s adoption of Snowflake has been transformative, enabling the group to overcome data challenges, foster a data-driven culture, and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth. By providing a unified, secure, and scalable data platform, Snowflake empowers the MUTB Group to:

  • Improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Make faster, more informed business decisions.
  • Enhance customer experiences and build stronger relationships.
  • Drive innovation and develop new products and services.

The group’s commitment to leveraging data as a strategic asset positions it for continued success in the evolving financial services landscape. As the MUTB Group continues its data-driven journey with Snowflake, it is well-positioned to deliver even greater value to its customers, employees, and stakeholders.

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Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech

Passionate about strategy & innovation across Asia. At home in Japan. Connector of people & ideas.