Tatsuya Sato, Chief Researcher from Hitachi, appointed as Hyperledger Fabric Core Maintainer

Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2024

Tatsuya Sato of Hitachi has been appointed as a core maintainer, leading the development project for “Hyperledger Fabric”, an open source software (OSS) for enterprise blockchains — a first for a Japanese company.

Hyperledger Fabric is one of the development projects of the Hyperledger Foundation, which has participation from 130 companies and organizations. This time, a Hitachi employee has been selected as one of the core maintainers responsible for determining the technical direction of the development project and managing the quality of the code.

As a founding premium member of the Hyperledger Foundation, Hitachi has contributed to the development, quality improvement, and operational enhancement of Hyperledger Fabric. Leveraging this expertise, Hitachi provides the “Hitachi Blockchain Service for Hyperledger Fabric”, a managed service for blockchain environments. Going forward, Hitachi will utilize blockchain-related technologies for service creation and proof-of-concept testing in enterprise applications such as inter-company transactions, working to solve social issues like regional economic revitalization and labor shortages. Hitachi will also contribute to the development and adoption of blockchain-related technologies through its participation in the Hyperledger Foundation community.

Profile of Tatsuya Sato

Through activities such as promoting the Japanese translation project for Hyperledger Fabric, improving and enhancing operational functions for Hyperledger Fabric, and maintaining fabric-samples, Tatsuya Sato has been appointed as a core maintainer responsible for determining the overall technical direction of the project and reviewing and merging all patches.

Since 2018, he has been involved in the development of Hyperledger Fabric, contributing to maintaining and improving its usability and code quality through continuous patch submissions. His activities have extended beyond patch submissions to contributing to the growth and adoption of the Hyperledger community in Japan, such as promoting the project to translate Hyperledger Fabric documentation into Japanese and serving as a Chapter Lead for the Hyperledger Japan Chapter. With a focus on operational management essential for production use of blockchain technology and Hyperledger Fabric, he has also been engaged in activities to improve it.

In February 2021, he donated OpsSC (Operations Smart Contract) for Hyperledger Fabric, an operational management tool suitable for decentralized systems, to the Hyperledger Foundation as one of its experimental projects (Hyperledger Labs). Additionally, he has made numerous improvements and extensions to the basic operational management functions of Hyperledger Fabric, such as adding necessary operational commands and improving usability for enterprise use cases.

In May 2023, he became a maintainer of fabric-samples (the repository that manages the sample set for Hyperledger Fabric used for its adoption).

In March 2024, he was appointed as a core maintainer. He has contributed not only technically but also to the expansion and development of the Hyperledger Foundation and Hyperledger Fabric communities.

About the Hyperledger Foundation and Hyperledger Fabric

The Hyperledger Foundation, hosted by The Linux Foundation, is working on the technological development and standardization of blockchains through open innovation. Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for developing enterprise systems or solutions utilizing blockchain technology. In addition to smart contracts and distributed consensus mechanisms that realize the tamper-resistance and decentralization characteristics of blockchains, it is designed to meet enterprise requirements such as data access control, scalable performance, and support for a wide range of use cases.

Hitachi’s Blockchain Initiatives

As a founding premium member of the Hyperledger Foundation, Hitachi has contributed to technology adoption and code quality improvement through community management cooperation and continuous patch submissions. Utilizing the fully managed blockchain environment “Hitachi Blockchain Service for Hyperledger Fabric” that enables stable operation, Hitachi is creating services and conducting proof-of-concept testing for trusted inter-company transactions. Hitachi is also participating in proof-of-concept testing toward realizing Web3, where individuals own and manage their data and freely connect, interact, and transact with one another through the application of blockchain technology. Furthermore, Hitachi has started exploring the potential application of blockchain technology to operational technology (OT) fields as a future social infrastructure.

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Norbert Gehrke
Tokyo FinTech

Passionate about strategy & innovation across Asia. At home in Japan. Connector of people & ideas.