Aokigahara — Jukai

The suicide forest

Sean Wood
3 min readFeb 9, 2014

Around 100 suicides a year are committed in the Sea of Trees 樹海. Because of the forest density and an absence of nearly any wildlife, the forest is exceptionally quiet.

Over its 1200 year lifespan the forest has a developed an association with demons in Japanese mythology resulting in very small sections frequented by tourists leaving the majority of this amazing place completely untouched.

The images below are from a trip to the forest and surrounding area during a rain soaked November weekend.



Small note of caution.

If you choose to go to the forest I recommend you get a guide first. The guide will also explain the history of the forest which is key to understanding how the forest developed giving you a greater appreciation for what you are seeing.

Stick to the paths that exist and don’t go off them for three reasons.

  1. Go too far (a few km) and you will get lost
  2. Walking where there is no path kills the vegetation that has taken a long time to develop. Respect the area and leave it as you found it
  3. Much of the ground is covered in Moss and covers the ground making it impossible to see if you are about to step into a huge hole (which there are many because of the volcanic ground and the air pockets that created huge caverns)

Shot using a Rolleiflex, Illford Pan 50, TMax 400.

Thanks to my friends Thomas, Jon and Koga san for making the trip a lot of fun.

For more photo sets like these visit Commute, Tokyo Façade, Tokyo Street Life or



Sean Wood

30 years of designing, animating, problem solving and creating. Film photography in my spare time