Tolar at the COTRUGLI Days in Umag

October 9–14, 2018: annual gathering organized by COTRUGLI Business School

Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET
3 min readOct 17, 2018


Every year, COTRUGLI Business School organizes a traditional gathering for its students, partners, clients and friends with focus on education, fun and networking. This year the annual event was held in Umag, Croatia and it gathered around 500 leaders and managers from the whole SEE region. It included lectures for Executive and MBA students, networking events, a party and a 2-day conference — Business 4.x & Future of HR.

Conference Business 4.x & Future of HR, Umag
COTRUGLI Modules: Entrepreneurship & Business 360, Umag

As Tolar HashNET project was inspired and initiated by COTRUGLI Business School, our team was present for the whole 5 days. We had many constructive meetings and brainstorming sessions with our associates and potential business partners.

Tolar and communia team meet with the Mayor of Umag, Mr. Vili Bassanese
Mario and Josip after interviews

On October 12, during the Business 4.x & Future of HR conference, Mario Vojvoda (Tolar CIO) and Tadej Slapnik (Director of HashNET Slovenia) held a presentation introducing Tolar HashNET and discussing how we can use new tech to achieve UN Sustainability Goals.

“We strongly believe that with our HashNET tech we can build wonderful app to achieve sustainable goals” — Tadej Slapnik.

Tadej also acknowledged a new project that is being supported by both Tolar HashNET and COTRUGLI Business School — communia, a game changing community concept based on the blockchain technology and a place for better living.

Tolar Marketing team before the conference



Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET

Editorial team of Tolar HashNET — DLT that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain while increasing throughput to 200,000 TPS.