Tolar HashNET and Unibright are announcing strategic partnership

On September 4, 2018, Tolar HashNET and Unibright signed a Memorandum of Understading (MoU) to support further expansion and worldwide adoption of Unibright’s framework and Tolar HashNET.

Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET
2 min readSep 11, 2018


Unibright is the unified framework for blockchain- based business integration, which makes it easy to integrate Blockchain technology into existing businesses. It is empowering business process specialists to use blockchain technology without having to be specialists in a specific blockchain implementation.

Tolar and Unibright share the same vision in terms of providing their clients with simpler access to blockchain technology. Blockchain developers (especially blockchain specific) are rare and expensive, development process is complicated, and any bug is critical. Also, existing blockchain platforms often have low throughput, long time-to-finality and huge energy requirements.

The agreement will enable Tolar to offer all of its current and future partners easier and faster implementation of a specific solution that fits their needs. At the same time, it will enable Unibright to offer complete solutions to companies that require them. Or alternatively, if current blockchain platforms become a bottleneck, it will be easy to replace those platforms with Tolar’ s high-throughput platform.

With this MoU, Tolar’s and Unibright’s clients will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Highly scalable platform — HashNET can process 200,000 transactions per second and keeps the high throughput even as number of nodes in the system grows.
  • Low energy requirements — HashNET uses specialized PoS system which requires minimum energy consumption.
  • Low data storage requirements — HashNET requires significantly smaller data storage compared to most traditional blockchains.
  • Faster implementation- Unibright framework will enable even non-blockchain developers to create their solutions on top of HashNET platform.
  • Easier transformation — Unibright’s framework will enable clients to easily transfer their existing business processes on blockchain and represent infonnation as something useful for their employees and clients.
  • Integration into existing systems — it will enable companies to integrate blockchain into their existing IT systems.
  • Specialized templates — cut down on implementation time for specific vertical solutions by using one of Unibright’s specialized templates.

The above goals will be accomplished with the following activities:

  • Finalization of Tolar HashNET ICO — September 20, 2018.
  • Developers information exchange/workshop connecting Tolar HashNET platform with Unibright frameworks — September 2018.
  • First pilot tests on Tolar’s public testnet using Unibright’s framework as a middle layer — Q1/2019
  • Launch of Tolar HashNET MainNET — Q2/2019
  • Production of ready solutions based on Tolar HashNET/Unibright frameworks — Q3/Q4 2019

We are very excited about the new partnership with Unibright as it perfectly reflects both of our visions in providing our clients with simpler and tailored access to blockchain technology.



Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET

Editorial team of Tolar HashNET — DLT that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain while increasing throughput to 200,000 TPS.