Tolar HashNET headquarters open in Slovenia

October 19, 2018, Slovenske Kronjice: EU Blockchain city and center of European Digital Valley in Slovenia

Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET
3 min readOct 20, 2018


We are proud to announce that Tolar HashNET company headquarters are now located in Slovenske Konjice. During the official opening of Tolar HashNET office together with Mr. Miran Gorinšek, Mayor of Slovenske Konjice municipality, we have signed letter of intent between Tolar HashNET and municipality Slovenske Konjice to collaborate in the field of adoption and development of blockchain technology. Our main goal is that Slovenske Konjice becomes the first European Blockchain City.

Tadej Slapnik, Director of Tolar HashNET Slovenia and Mr. Miran Gorinšek, mayor of Slovenske Konjice municipality

By becoming a pilot municipality in Tolar HashNET’s project — communia will provide an excellent opportunity to citizens of Slovenske Konjice to use and to develop new technologies to make our society better.

At the opening Drazen Kapusta, Tolar HashNET Founder and Principal, Josip Maricevic, Tolar HashNET Founder and CTO and Mario Gigovic, CEO of communia, presented our company vision to develop HashNET algorithm: 1000 times faster blockchain with low consumption of electrical energy and scalable new generation of Distributed ledger technology to achieve Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

Tolar HashNET and communia teams presented the projects

Nena Dokuzov, Head of Blockchain Department at Ministry for Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia presented National program for digital transformations with blockchain and distributed ledger technology as one of it’s main pillars. She expressed full support to Tolar HashNET and communia project, highlighting their relevance and importance at realizing Slovenian and European Union commitment to become leading countries and continents in the field of digital transformation and achieving Sustainable Development Goals using Distributed Ledger Technology.

Stanko Kolar, president of regional business club Dravinjski poslovni klub welcomed opening of Tolar HashNET company in Slovenske Konjice and announced collaboration of companies — members of business club and Tolar HashNET in transforming of Dravinja valley in to European Digital Valley.



Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET

Editorial team of Tolar HashNET — DLT that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain while increasing throughput to 200,000 TPS.