Landlords — How to be the Nice Guy

Sebastian Marquez
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2020

By: Sebastian Marquez | Tolobi

Landlords get a bad rap, almost as much as lawyers do. But there are many landlords that prove themselves contrary, and that’s because to be a good landlord makes the job easier. Good landlords will often tell you that they have their work cut out for them. So how did they get there? If you’re just starting to rent out your home or just getting used to fashioning yourself as a landlord, here are a few simple things to keep in mind.

Don’t be fixated on the price

If you’re a landlord, don’t put too much focus on what the rent should be. Learn to be flexible with the price, especially if you want long-term and stable tenants that you can depend upon. Remember that there are plenty of good tenants out there on the price spectrum and that the person who shows up with the willingness to pay the highest rent won’t necessarily be the best long-term tenant.

Moreover, keep in mind that rent increases are often the reason tenants move out of a place. If you want long-term tenancy, or if you’re happy with your current tenant, don’t risk jeopardizing your current situation by maximizing your rental increase (even if you have rent-control exemption for your unit) if your current tenant has expressed financial concerns or pressures. If your unit was occupied before November 15, 2018, then the maximum you can raise your rent is 2.2% for this year, 2020.

There are many landlords out there who value long-term tenants despite the lower amount of cash they can rake in from the rent. Remember that despite the competitive rental market in Toronto, there may still be some benefits in limiting the disruption and damage accrued from move-ins and move-outs and the work involved in finding the next tenant.

Don’t be too fixated on price! Your piggy bank will be much happier 90% full and a little room to breathe. Photo by Fabian Blank.

Don’t forget you’re running a business

Some landlords forget that renting out a placewhether or not it’s their basement or a separate condominium unitis like running any other business. Landlords provide professional services. They may not be there to fix up a leak, but as managers of the property, they are ultimately responsible for responding to tenant needs in a reasonable way and a timely manner.

Too often will landlords begin a new tenancy relationship with rapid responses only to drop off from the radar after the move-in date because they think that their job is done after tenancy is secured. But to save yourself from future disagreements or even the hassle of dispute resolution, always maintain a professional standard in how you respond to tenant inquiries.

It couldn’t hurt to also place yourself in the tenant’s shoesif your home just got flooded due to a storm, how long could you expect to tough it out? If that doesn’t convince you to respond in a timely manner, remember that unaddressed problems, no matter how small they start out as, can become major issues that could drastically depreciate the value of your property. Don’t let the mold spread. Don’t let vermin become infestations. And don’t let the drippy leaks take out entire ceilings.

If you’re going to run a business, then run a business the way it should be. Photo by Hunters Race.

Don’t forget to smile

You may be running a business, but all business relationships also require a softer touch once in awhile. Small gifts or tokens of appreciation for your long-term tenants will go a long way. If your tenants feel valued, they’ll likely value your interests. Even the young professionalswho’ll likely move out after they get married or have kidsmay feel the urge to take more tender care of your appliances and put less dents and holes in your walls.

Remember to also consider privacy concerns and the basic comforts of your tenants as you go about doing your job. Try not to conduct routine inspections too frequently, and try to limit them to the middle of the day. If there will be any major changes to the overall property, or if you have to do some kind of inspection, try to provide notices or even directly contacting your tenants to limit surprises.

Don’t be the “bad guy”

Some stereotypes have more truth in them that not. We’ve all seen it in the news, and in our most cynical hours, we may have even considered it ourselves, but as a landlord, there are definite boundaries that cannot be crossed.

Use legal notices for rent increases and other things that might lead to disagreements. Definitely give the minimum requirement for notice for entry when selling or re-renting your place, and giving extra notice would make you a solid, decent person. Repair things that need repairing. Address concerns timely and professionally. Be reasonable when your tenants are being reasonable, and if you don’t think they are, tell them why in a respectful manner.

And when in doubt, just ask yourself whether you are on the right side of applicable governing documents, such as the Residential Tenancies Act, the Ontario Human Rights Code, your own lease termin so far as they do not contravene the aforementioned. Just ask, “Will this come back to bite me?”

It turns out the secret to being a good landlord is the secret to success in any profession. It’s all about not putting too much strain on other parties. It’s about maintaining a trustworthy and cordial relationship with tenants, just as one does with their customers in any other line of business. Do these things and everything falls into place.

