Go to Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer is committed to combating climate change, fixing our government, and putting people, not corporations, in charge of our democracy.
Note from the editor

Tom Steyer is committed to combating climate change, fixing our government, and putting people, not corporations, in charge of our democracy.

Go to the profile of Kunal Basu Dutta
Go to the profile of Karla Robinson
Go to the profile of Team Tom
Team Tom
People who agree with @TomSteyer that we need environmental, racial, and economic justice — and we need it now. See more here: https://medium.com/tom-steyer
Go to the profile of Tom 2020
Tom 2020
For years, Tom has worked to ensure people, not corporations, are in charge of our democracy. See the latest from Tom here: https://medium.com/tom-steyer
Go to the profile of TeamTom Iowa
TeamTom Iowa
The official Iowa page for Tom Steyer’s campaign to tackle our climate crisis, end the corporate stranglehold on our government, and build a grassroots movement
Go to the profile of Team Tom
Team Tom
People who agree with @TomSteyer that we need environmental, racial, and economic justice — and we need it now. See more here: https://medium.com/tom-steyer
Go to the profile of Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer
Proud American, Californian and family man. Investing in the people and solutions driving climate progress at Galvanize Climate Solutions.