Steyer Statement on Mayor Bloomberg Defending “Stop and Frisk” in Resurfaced Video

The Democratic presidential candidate released a statement in response to a video of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg defending “stop and frisk.”

Tom 2020
Tom Steyer
1 min readFeb 12, 2020


The video exposes Bloomberg defending “stop and frisk,” a policy enacted in New York that permits random searches and disproportionately targets people of color:

“Mike Bloomberg’s remarks in the video are extremely disturbing. The racist stereotypes he uses have no place today, and anyone running for the presidential nomination should disavow them. We have a racist president in Donald Trump, and we must rise above that to unite our country. Mike needs to offer an explanation to voters, especially those in communities of color, who were victimized by Stop and Frisk and continue to be victimized by racist policing tactics.”

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Tom 2020
Tom Steyer

For years, Tom has worked to ensure people, not corporations, are in charge of our democracy. See the latest from Tom here: