Tom in the News — July 15, 2020

Tom discussed California’s Shop Safe, Shop Local effort, as well as Vice President Biden’s commitment to climate action.

Team Tom
Tom Steyer
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2020


Tom is hard at work as Chief Advisor to California Governor Newsom on Business and Jobs Recovery and as Co-Chair of the Climate Engagement Advisory Council for Vice President Joe Biden. Check it out!

  • Tom Steyer’s Never-ending Fight — Capital & Main
    “There’s no way to separate environmental justice and racial justice and economic justice and environmentalism. It’s one big ball of wax, and to the extent you separate it, you’re doing a disservice to the people involved and to the ideas involved and to the outcomes.” Read more here.
  • Tom Steyer, Political Activist — The Accent Podcast
    “We’re never going back to January 2020. Hopefully we’re going to a better place. Put aside your personal agenda to do what’s right.” Listen in here.
  • Tom Steyer explains latest California campaign to help small businesses during COVID-19 pandemic — ABC 7 News
    “We know that small businesses provide a lot of the employment in California — that ones owned by Black and brown people are particularly vulnerable in this economic downturn. But at the same time, we need to support those businesses and those jobs while keeping the workers there safe and their customers safe.” Watch here.
  • Steyer: For a Biden Administration, ‘the Time for Subsidizing Fossil Fuels Is Long Passed’ — Morning Consult
    “I know they have existed for literally decades, but I think the time for subsidizing fossil fuels is long passed… [Vice President Biden] needs the tools of Democratic majorities to get done what needs to get done, unless the Republicans start to look at this differently and start to prioritize the safety and welfare of Americans ahead of their fossil fuel donors.” Read more here.
  • ‘He is getting more progressive across the board’: Tom Steyer on getting out the climate vote for Joe Biden — The Independent
    “I think that Joe Biden has been sharpening his pencil in terms of this policy overall. He’s been filling it out and it’s been getting more progressive across the board…it’s something that Joe Biden really does feel in his bones, that he really does get.” Read more here.
  • Tom on The Dean Obeidallah Show — SiriusXM Progress
    Talking about the goal of the Climate Engagement Advisory Council, Tom said, “It’s really a two-way street, starting with connection, moving to engagement, and ultimately about mobilizing people in the fall — not just to vote against Donald Trump, but to vote affirmatively, enthusiastically for Joe Biden.” Watch and share here.



Team Tom
Tom Steyer

People who agree with @TomSteyer that we need environmental, racial, and economic justice — and we need it now. See more here: