Tom Steyer is Accomplishing Big Things in California — He’ll Do the Same for the Country as Our Next President

By Assemblymember Eduardo García (District 56, CA)

Tom 2020
Tom Steyer
4 min readFeb 25, 2020


I’m endorsing Tom Steyer to be the Democratic nominee for president, not only because I agree with his stance on the climate crisis, environmental justice, and a range of progressive issues, but because I know how effective he’s already been in the state of California.

If you look at Governor Newsom’s 2020–2021 budget, you’ll see a number of items that exist as a direct result of the work Tom and his wife, Kat, have been doing in our state for years. The budget sets aside resources to alleviate student loan debt, combat income inequality, provide healthy school meals, address food insecurity, expand access to healthcare, and lower prescription drug costs.

And Tom has had a substantial direct impact on the health and well-being of my own constituents in the Coachella Valley as well. When Tom learned that communities in my district and across California were suffering from unhealthy drinking water — including children at Thermal Elementary School — he directly engaged, meeting with us in person to understand the extent of the problem, helping us lobby the Legislature, and working with us to secure funding for clean drinking water projects over the next ten years.

Tom has also been instrumental in building access to affordable housing and combatting homelessness in California as well, such as the work he did to ensure the passage of Measure H in Los Angeles. And Tom and Kat founded Beneficial State Bank, a bank that provides loans to businesses and individuals in communities who are too often ignored by bigger banks.

All of these accomplishments in service of the people of California point to Tom and Kat’s deep engagement, not only with California lawmakers and politicians but with the communities and individuals who are most benefited by progressive programs.

The fact is, Tom is making it easier for people to live in California while also protecting our environment and natural resources. As president, Tom will continue this fight to make all Americans healthier, safer, and more prosperous.

Not only has Tom spent countless hours and millions of dollars organizing and working with environmental justice organizations, activists, and Californians from all walks of life, but he founded NextGen, an organization that has had an immense impact on issues like immigration, criminal justice reform, climate, and voter mobilization. NextGen has been instrumental in accomplishing many of the progressive wins in our state for years.

The governor’s budget also includes increased and ongoing support for Proposition 56, a cigarette tax that helps reduce healthcare costs, and Proposition 57, which reforms the criminal justice system so it is less biased, more fair, and less expensive to taxpayers. Both of these propositions are further examples of Tom’s deep involvement in and expansive support of progressive measures in California, and both are strong indicators of where Tom’s loyalty will be as our president: with the American people — not with the corporations or the wealthy.

Tom has already accomplished more, and pushed for more progressive bills that serve low and middle-income communities and communities of color, than some lifelong elected officials, do in their entire careers. This is in part because Tom is fearless in his pursuit of what is right and because he isn’t beholden to anyone for funding his next campaign. When I look at Tom’s already impressive record, I’m excited for what he will accomplish as our next president.

Tom has also spent a lot of time on the ground collaborating with the communities who are most impacted by the policies he supports and helps write. This is exemplified in his work with residents, activists, and officials to stop the Puente Power plant aimed at the Latino community in Oxnard, California — where in some neighborhoods asthma rates are already 90% higher than the rest of California. To accomplish this, Tom stood alongside community leaders — because he understands that they know what is best for their own communities. And that’s a big part of why I’m standing with Tom now.

So many of Tom’s policies and plans give me hope for the future of this country. Tom is a man who lives by his values, and his values are aligned with the American people, not the Washington politicians or the corporate lobbyists. Environmental, economic, and social justice are at the heart of all his policies, and he not only sees the changing demographics of the country, but he understands that those changing demographics are the future — and the way we get the economic and political power we deserve is by showing up to vote.

The news cycle has moved on to the next catastrophe, but Australia is still burning, and it offers a grim indication of what a California fire season might look like in the near future if we don’t take serious action on climate change immediately. If we are going to prevent this, we need a president who understands the gravity of the climate crisis.

Tom Steyer has my vote in the Democratic primary. I hope he has yours also.

Learn more about Tom’s community-centered activism.



Tom 2020
Tom Steyer

For years, Tom has worked to ensure people, not corporations, are in charge of our democracy. See the latest from Tom here: