Why I chose to publish events on Meetup.com?

Lost in Space
<As a Digital Backpacker> by Tom Chen
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

As you’ve already known, I’m the organizer of Taipei Digital Nomads Meetup (if not, join us now!). We’ve hosted four co-working events and one dinner event in 2018. For 2019 until end of Feb, we’ve hosted co-working events 2 in. the past and three are coming up. If you’re interested in digital nomading/remote working, don’t hesitate to sign up!

For many attendees, they’re wondering why I chose to publish events on meetup.com (instead of other platforms like Facebook events …etc)? (BTW, we have two major Facebook groups for remote working in Taiwan: Remote Taiwan 遠距工作 and 遠距工作者在台灣 (work remotely in Taiwan). And I definitely promote this meetup and co-working events there, so our Taiwanese friends in the meetup mostly came from these two groups.) They’re asking: why don’t just use Facebook group and create events under it?

There’re a couple reasons:

Platform independent

  1. Not being tighten on Facebook so I can promote easily.
  2. The meetup doesn’t belong to any group.
  3. Some people don’t like using Facebook for professional purpose
  4. Privacy purpose. On meetup.com you can login by Facebook or Google or plain old email/password

Foreigner friendly

  1. For nomads visiting Taiwan, meetup.com is more accessible compared to other platforms. It’s the first App they will open and search for meetups
  2. English by default.

Brining in startup culture

I started using Meetup.com when I visited Silicon Valley on the summer of 2013. They’re so many meetup groups with different interests / purpose / professions on it, so it’s easily for me to find the meetups. Also, many startups host events on meetup.com and it creates an open-minded atmosphere on it.

As a meetup host, I also need to pay meetup.com for monthly fees. This is also important as it supports great product being built and maintained. It also makes meetup host taking seriously about it, or they’re wasting their own money.

I want to brining in that kind of startup culture into Taiwan. I want to see more meetups happening here. I want to see more people are dare to step out and host their own meetups. I want to connect more like-minded people around Taiwan. I want to show the world Taiwan is a great place with great culture and people around.

Join us: Taipei Digital Nomads Meetup

👉 👉 Taipei Digital Nomads Meetup

This is Tom Chen. I've been work remotely since 2015 and started solo backpacking from 2018. I want to share my journey with you:* Come to Taipei Digital Nomads Meetup and let's hangout & co-work
* Read my articles here: As a Digital Backpacker
* Promote remote working culture in Taiwan with Remote Taiwan
If you like my post, don't hesitate to clap for it or Donate me :p



Lost in Space
<As a Digital Backpacker> by Tom Chen

<Tom Chen> Aspie. Introvert. Remoter. Blogger. 「從程式碼的26個英文字母到文章的26個英文字母,開始發現寫作的魅力。」