Tomer Greenfeld
Tomer Talks
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2018

In the event that you’re put in a position that forces you to decide between comfort and fear — always choose the latter. For it is vital for you to understand that by choosing comfort, you are in fact empowering your fear. But by choosing to go towards that which frightens you, you empower something much greater than fear; you empower your higher-self. And it is only through empowering your higher-self, that true change may begin to take shape.

I like to think that fear disguises itself as opportunity — that when we are scared to do something it means there’s a lesson to be learned after the event takes place. From calling that potential client, to applying for a job you don’t think you’re going to get, to even going up to that guy/girl and saying hi — train yourself to walk towards fear rather than away from it. Most people aren’t willing to take the leap of faith, so that really only leaves those who are willing to look like fools, right? Be the fool. Be the person who isn’t afraid of looking like a complete idiot because the real fools are the ones who never try in the first place. Over time, we have tricked ourselves into believing that success is this magical beautiful thing, but I think it’s the exact opposite. Success is a messy, ugly, relentless and painful process that forces you to step out of your comfort zone and fail time after time after time. But you know what is beautiful about success? The product it produces — the type of person you become after it’s all said and done. Until proven otherwise, or maybe in some galaxy far, far away — we are all only here for a limited time. So we might as well fail and succeed at something we love doing rather than at something we hate.

Be the fool.


Tomer Elmakias Greenfeld



Tomer Greenfeld
Tomer Talks

A place I share my thoughts, because none of my friends will listen.