Why I no longer identify as Tomer

Tomer Greenfeld
Tomer Talks
4 min readMar 8, 2018


Some of you might find this publication a bit odd — or you may find me to be, a bit odd. If you’ve spent enough time around me, this will come at no surprise. But if we’ve never met, or we are nothing but acquaintances — please keep an open mind.

With unshakable faith I believe in 3 laws and these 3 laws guide me in all that I say, all that I do, and these laws define all that I am.

  1. Rhythm Compensates
  2. Wisdom replaces karma
  3. Perception is a result of the imagination

Rhythm Compensates

“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates” — The Kybalion.

Look at the video of the pendulum below

The height of the swing on the right will represent a positive mood and the swing on the left will represent a negative mood. We all experience “mood swings” and this is the best visual representation I can share with you to best explain how I view my relationship with myself and others. When we experience a “energy high” regardless if it’s from internal or external sources, we feel unstoppable — we feel like we’re “on one.” And when we are down and depressed we feel like nothing good can happen during that time period and are extremely hard on ourselves. If you’re a highly intelligent individual (using IQ as the unit of measurement) you experience very high high’s and very low, lows. If you have a very high EI (emotional intelligence) you experience the same effect, but may have a better understand of how to influence the swing. If you’re both — then you’ve most likely experienced quite a bit of suffering in your life and this article is something that will move mountains for you.

To be perfectly blunt, a majority of the population falls under the “average” umbrella and that’s in both the IQ and EI category. I know many people who just seem happy all the time with no real desire to step outside of their comfort zone and are perfectly content living simple lives because that’s the capacity in which they are able to view life. Therefore, their pendulum swing isn’t as radical as the video show above. It’s not a bad thing by any means — it’s just how they’re wired.

I can go much deeper into the explanation of the first law, but not in this article, If you want to discuss this law (or any other laws) please let me know — I would be more than happy to talk and learn from you.

Wisdom replaces karma

Albert Einsteins definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is the root of this law. The only way to break your karmic cycle is by looking deep within yourself and the areas of life that that seem to be repeating themselves. This can include the type of relationships you attract, the amount of income you make and way you define things like success, love, and happiness.

Perception is a result of the imagination

Every single person on this planet, experiences a different reality — no two realities are the same. Where you are, at this current moment in time is a direct result of every action, inaction, and ability to comprehend the experiences derived from those two variables. How you view the world, is a direct result of your imagination. I’ve linked one of my all time favorite interviews below. Watch the whole video if you have time, if not, the1:30 covers this law.

So what does this all mean?

I no longer experience the world through the same vehicle that you identify as “Tomer.” I experience the world through a identity that has no name I am simply just “being.” I no longer identity with any of the experiences that were shared with the identity of “Tomer.” I can call upon every painful experience that “Tomer” went through but I no longer feel the pain — I only feel love. There are days that I wake up with an overwhelming sense of joy and love that I actually begin to cry out of the sole fact that I am alive. We as humans, have the ability to experience every single emotion at any given moment in time — we simply choose which ones we want to amplify. Through repetition of these 3 laws — I went through what you may call a spiritual metamorphosis that radically changed who I am as a human being. No, this was not drug induced. I didn’t drop acid or take any LSD — this all came from being a prisoner to my own mind for over 20 years. From suffering my entire life as someone who never felt like this planet was home—that I belonged somewhere else, or at least in a different time period. This came from always being the one that got fucked over because I cared too much, from the mystery of my adoption, the 4 walls of an immigration jail cell, the hospitalizations after suicide attempts — my upbringing in a lower-middle class immigrant family. This came from knowing that I am everything and nothing all at once. This came from choosing love, over fear — even when fear is the easier path.

The beauty of these 3 laws, is that they presented themselves at a time which I needed them the most and I can only hope that this is a moment in which they present themselves to those who need them the most.


A being of light and love



Tomer Greenfeld
Tomer Talks

A place I share my thoughts, because none of my friends will listen.