Linux Commands

Tom Gorup
Tom’s Blog


Most sticky notes are now off the computer! If anyone has a better way of doing something please post. I can always use the help!

Add/Remove Users

sudo adduser {username}

sudo deluser {username}

Users and Logins

lastlog ~ shows all users login time

cat /etc/passwd ~ shows all users

Locate File

find -name {filename}

Unzip Files

7zx {} -O {location}


unrar e {file}

Install tar.gz

tar -zxvf {file.tar.gz}




Get Site Info

curl -I {webaddress}

Release Version

lsb_relase {option}

-r ~ release

-v ~ version

-c ~ codename

-a ~ all

Setup Connection

ifconfig {interface} {ip} netmask {broadcast add} up ~ Used for static IP


ssh {username}@{}

View SSH Logs


Update Repository


Remove Directory with Files

rm -r {directory}


shutdown -r now

shutdown -P now

now represents time

Wifi Connection

iwlist {interface} scan ~ Scans Wifi

iwconfig {interface} essid {ssid} key {wifikey}

key s:{HEXkey} ~ For Hex version of wifi key

dhclient {interface} ~ Refresh IP

dhclient -r ~ Refresh all interfaces IP

Hot Keys

ctrl-s ~ Pause

ctrl-Q ~ Resume

Previous Command as root

sudo !!



Tom Gorup
Tom’s Blog

Security Operations Lead, GCIA, Tech Enthusiast, Seeker of Knowledge, Vet, Husband, Father