Freedom on the Internet: A Close Look at the Past Year

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6 min readMar 27, 2024

When we’re talking about freedom online, we’re talking about more than just the ability to click through websites or post selfies on social media. It’s about the power to express oneself without fear of censorship or reprisal, the right to access information without geographical or governmental barriers, and the capacity for communities to form, mobilize, and advocate for change across digital platforms.

However, the reality is not as straightforward. The internet, often seen as a sanctuary for free expression, faces challenges. Our online experiences are largely shaped by major tech companies, focusing more on profit than on user empowerment. Moreover, when we examine the ease of accessing the internet and different websites, it’s clear that not everyone enjoys this freedom equally. A recent *The Freedom House* report highlights a disturbing trend: for the thirteenth year in a row, worldwide internet freedom has decreased. This fact might not surprise us, but it raises important questions about the state of our digital rights. Why is online freedom diminishing, and what does this mean for our future? Let’s dive deeper into these issues.

The Repressive Landscape of Digital Spaces

The internet, once celebrated as the great equalizer, is increasingly reflecting real-world disparities and restrictions. Iran’s crackdown on dissent in the wake of Mahsa Amini’s death under police custody and the following anti-government protests exemplifies a grave turn towards digital authoritarianism. The government’s tactics were not limited to internet blackouts; they also involved blocking critical communication channels like WhatsApp and Instagram, stifling any form of dissent and employing digital surveillance to suppress public outcry. This approach underscores a harsh reality where, in the most egregious cases, authoritarian regimes like Iran’s have carried out death sentences against individuals convicted of online expression-related crimes, demonstrating the extreme risks associated with simply speaking your mind.

This approach was not confined to Iran alone.

Myanmar’s descent into digital dystopia is similarly alarming. Ranked as the world’s second most repressive environment for internet freedom last year, the military junta’s grip on digital expression tightens relentlessly. The regime’s utilization of Telegram groups to monitor and crack down on dissidents exemplifies the sophisticated surveillance tactics employed to stifle democratic voices. The execution of Kyaw Min Yu, better known as Ko Jimmy, for his pro-democracy posts on social media, marks a tragic testament to the lethal consequences of resisting tyranny online in Myanmar. Further consolidating its control, the junta orchestrated the acquisition of the country’s last independently owned internet service provider, ensuring a monopolistic command over the internet landscape. This maneuver eradicated any semblance of online freedom, cementing the military’s capability to impose censorship unchallenged by the private sector.

Global Crackdowns and Surveillance Intensify

The repressive digital landscape extends beyond Asia, casting a shadow over Eastern Europe and Central America as well. In Belarus, the crackdown on freedom of expression has reached alarming levels, particularly against journalists and media professionals. A glaring instance is the harsh sentencing of Maryna Zolatava and Liudmila Chekina, the editor-in-chief and director general of, Belarus’s largest independent media outlet. Their “crime” was merely reporting the truth, an act that led a Belarusian court to sentence them to 12 years in prison, marking a chilling milestone in the state’s campaign against press freedom. This case underscores the authoritarian regime’s intent to muzzle any semblance of dissent or independent journalism through draconian punishments.

Nicaragua, under President Daniel Ortega, mirrors this troubling trend toward silencing voices of opposition and critique. The government has employed a strategy of coercive choices against those imprisoned for their critical speech online, presenting a stark ultimatum: remain behind bars or be stripped of citizenship and sent into exile. A notable victim of this ruthless policy is Roman Catholic bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos. His refusal to be exiled led to the revocation of his citizenship and a staggering 26-year prison sentence, merely for expressing his views and broadcasting prayers on social media. This action against Álvarez Lagos highlights the extremes to which the Nicaraguan government will go to clamp down on online expression and maintain its grip on power.

The Disinformation Dilemma

Generative AI technologies have ushered in an era where the line between truth and falsehood becomes increasingly blurred. These tools, capable of producing realistic fake content across various media, have been weaponized by regimes like China, which remains the most repressive country for internet freedom globally. The state’s use of AI extends beyond mere censorship, engaging in sophisticated surveillance to identify and suppress dissent. Prominent cases, such as the sentencing of civic activist and blogger Xu Zhiyong to prison for 14 years, simply for sharing his views online, underscore the harsh penalties for challenging the party line.

In democratic societies, the concern centers around how state entities and political groups might use AI to manipulate public opinion. For instance, the United States and European countries have seen instances where political campaigns utilize AI tools for targeted advertising and social media influence, aiming to sway voters with tailored messages. While not as overtly repressive as in authoritarian contexts, these practices raise ethical questions about consent, privacy, and the integrity of democratic processes.

Moreover, automated bots and manipulative platform algorithms have become commonplace, silencing activists and skewing public discourse by amplifying misleading and divisive content. The ease and efficiency with which these AI tools operate signify a future where the digital information space could be overwhelmingly dominated by manipulated content, further eroding trust in online platforms as sources of diverse and reliable information.

In this context, AI has evolved into a formidable instrument of control and misinformation, challenging the foundational values of the internet as a space for free expression and debate. The global replication of these tactics, including in democracies, signals a worrying shift towards universal digital surveillance and manipulation, underlining the urgent need for a critical examination of AI’s role in public discourse.

Elections: A Digital Battleground

The role of the internet in shaping political landscapes has never been more significant, nor more contested. As elections around the globe become focal points for digital manipulation and censorship, the freedom to access unbiased information and engage in open political discourse is under threat.

In the lead-up to Cambodia’s elections, authorities blocked access to independent news outlets, effectively silencing dissenting voices and controlling the narrative. This maneuver illustrates how digital censorship can be strategically employed to consolidate power and influence electoral outcomes. Similarly, the Turkish government under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, implemented the so-called “disinformation” law, apparently to combat false information. In practice, however, this law has been used to target journalists and political opponents, effectively criminalizing critical reporting and dissenting voices.

The Philippines experienced a notable decline in internet freedom following the election of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., who introduced a law mandating real-name registration for SIM cards, undermining anonymous communication in a country where journalists and activists face significant risks. Additionally, Marcos sustained a blocking order against 27 websites, including multiple outlets known for their critical reporting. This move not only challenges the anonymity crucial for safe political engagement but also restricts access to a broad spectrum of viewpoints, further encroaching on the digital domain as a space for open political dialogue.

These examples highlight the growing importance of the internet as a battleground for political control. The manipulation of online spaces to shape electoral outcomes poses a significant challenge to democratic principles, underscoring the need for vigilance and advocacy to protect internet freedom as a cornerstone of free and fair elections.

Charting a Course for Digital Freedom

As you can see, it is hard not to be pessimistic when you think about the state of freedoms online. The pervasive reach of digital repression, the sophisticated use of disinformation tactics, and the manipulation of the digital landscape around elections paint a concerning picture of the future of internet freedom. Yet, acknowledging these challenges is the first step toward addressing them. It’s more important than ever that we, as a global community, advocate for robust regulations that protect online spaces as forums for free expression, and support initiatives like tomi, which aims to challenge the statutes quo.

Only through collective action can we hope to counteract these trends and ensure that the internet remains a force for good, empowering individuals rather than oppressing them. The path ahead is undoubtedly fraught with obstacles, but it is also paved with opportunities for change. By remaining vigilant and engaged, we can contribute to shaping a digital future that upholds and celebrates the freedoms we cherish.

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