Always Question

Paulina Brygier
Tommy Cestare
2 min readMay 8, 2016


Imagine you meet someone who genuinely bugs you. You can’t get over that he calls himself smart, because his flaws are too apparent to be overlooked. It bugs you, because you’re usually being rather humble, aware of your flaws, sometimes too much. In your trying to be a good person, you may seem to others as meek and naïve, and, and a dummy even. But never does this fellow, who shoots at everyone with his unshakable self-confidence and penis manifestation.

Don’t forget to remind yourself what your core values are in being clever. Flexibility, calmness and always listening to others’ wisdom acquired before you, so you could learn and change. With a constantly open mind, you do your inquiry, you let it be. You let go if need be. You accept and move on. Always searching, never stating the final. Clever means kind, but usually kindness is better than cleverness, and only clever people know it.

Facing ideas that strike you with their finality and arrogant certainty, you obtain your possibility to be motivated in striving for a better value, better quality of thinking and exchanging. Dry collecting data is no longer enough, we must learn to acquire knowledge, to gather it and make sense of it put together, to manipulate it and, with imaginative and skeptical minds, change the status quo. No matter what you know, what counts is what you’re able to get from it. Zoom and squeeze.

And here’s philosophy and its superiority over all other majors. Without asking questions, with no room for doubt, you’re an encyclopedia, dry set of empty, uninspiring and probably unimportant — as you call it — facts. You may call my thinking chaotic. You may say it’s non-systematic. You may even call me a dreamer. But then, I prefer these to your short sighted views based on envious judgement. While you’re praying to your data gods, let me quote some Carl Sagan wisdom:

Plus a song and a quote, à propos:

“The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species”. — Christopher Hitchens-

