Blockchain game opens a new era for gamers to make money

Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2019

According to

The worldwide video game industry generated a sizeable US$134.9 billion in 2018, and with strong growth each year, that number is expected to continue to increase at impressive rates. It’s also one of the most popular industries in the world — there are more than 2.5 billion gamers worldwide. That figure represents a third of the world’s population; everyone is gaming.

The shift from pay-to-play to play-to-win in gaming

The current trending in games is shifting from play-for-fun games to pay-to-win in which the typical gameplay is the freemium business model that allows:

  • game providers to issue free game points/assets for onboarding new players to the game
  • game players to pay to buy more game points/assets once all free points/assets are running out.

Mobile games, which are designed to be addicting and drain the money pocket of players as much as possible, have taken the majority of the gaming market size. The more addicting games are developed, the more money players will spend for. This eventually leads to a contradictory, dissatisfied situation:

  • Game players spending lots of money on playing games, but there is no easy way to get their money back. This is absolutely not the long term solution as those game players will eventually be fluctuated to spend on those games.
  • Game providers revenue will be decreased because of dissatisfaction of game players.

Blockchain: the perfect technology to develop play-to-win games

The core contribution of blockchains to games is how it helps the gaming industry to become a healthy ecosystem where both game developers and players have their own benefits by developing and playing games, respectively.

For developers, issuing gaming assets/loyalty points is now easier than even through smart contracts.

  • To issue loyalty points, developers can use any fungible token such as TRC20, TRC21 standards. TRC21 is TomoChain’s standard token that allows game developers to make frictionless games, applications.
  • To issue unique, scarce game assets, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) are the standard way, allowing any player to prove game item ownership and developers to provide transparency of the game, in which anyone can verify the game rules and the scarcity of game items issued on blockchains.
  • To fund the project through selling pre-mined gaming items which are issued by using smart contracts. Players buy tokens by making transactions to the smart contract. Efficient blockchains like TomoChain makes this process secure, permissionless, almost instant, which is very hard to do in traditional games.

For gamers, buying tokens to play games does not mean they cannot get their money back.

  • Tokens of popular games can be easily traded on decentralized exchanged such as IDEX, TomoX (launched later this year) or decentralized marketplaces for NFT-tokens. OpenSea is a marketplace where players can buy/sell any tokens, collectible game items such as items in Crytokitties. Players, there are guaranteed to get their money back, or even make lots of money by playing games, train game items/collectibles/tokenized animals, and sell them for a better price through exchanges and marketplaces. The bulletproof of blockchains is the way it makes those things secure, decentralized, and permissionless.
  • Security of blockchains protects the ownership of the players’ asset, meaning that if a collectible is yours, your money is yours, it’s always yours, no one would be able to change that fact except if you, as the owner of the collectible, transfer it to someone else.

Different ways to make money by playing blockchain games

The followings list some popular games that allow players to do play-to-win. The list is not exhaustive. You can also find these games here.

Collectible & Trading Games

Those games are the most basic and popular games with NFTs on blockchain. It allows players to buy, sell, and trade unique tokens/assets on blockchains like Ethereum/TomoChain.

  • Etheremon — Strike out and capture, train, sell, and trade unique digital creatures known as “Mons.”
  • Cryptokitties — The father of all NFT blockchain games Simply, Buy, breed, and trade digital cats.
  • PlasmaBears — Build, sell, and trade digital bears. Send them on adventures to discover valuable, wearable (and tradeable) assets.
  • 0x Universe — Build a spaceship and explore the galaxy. Colonize planets and sell resources to continue your cosmic mission.

Battling Games

These games are underpinned by the basic tenets of collecting and trading like the games above. However, they have the additional element of being able to battle other players in the game.

  • Chibi Fighters — Collect, trade, and battle digital warriors on the battlefield. Collect weapons and assets to trade as well.
  • Hyperdragons — Collect, breed, train, trade, and battle unique digital dragons on the blockchain.
  • MyCryptoHeroes — Collect, train and battle historical figures…all without worrying about gas fees.
  • Axie Infinity: Carefully create teams of Axies and battle other trainers in the Arena! By caring for and bonding with your Axies in terrariums- customizable living environments, players can decorate with beautiful treasures! Some items will be exceedingly rare and produce crafting ingredients that can be used to upgrade Axies and unlock new content!
  • Gods Unchained — A ‘head honcho’ in the NFT gaming space. A card trading game with tournaments and rewards.
  • Blockchain Cuties — Breed, raise, battle, and outfit your creatures. Not so cute when you get them in the ring.
  • World of Ether — Discover, breed, and pitch digital creates against one another on the blockchain. Keep searching for a legendary monster


Online gambling is one of the fastest-growing markets on the planet — especially now that an ever-larger percentage of the world’s population has mobile Internet access. Gambling is bound to keep growing fast; in fact, in the past seven years, the market has been expanding at a compound annual rate of 9% — three times higher than that of the global GDP. Here are some of the gambling games:

  • TronBet
  • Dice
  • MaxBet

Building the blockchain gaming ecosystem

Inherited from Ethereum Virtual Machine in Ethereum, TomoChain is now a fully stable, efficient blockchain where any DApp running on Ethereum can be ported to TomoChain. TomoChain also supports NFT tokens, TRC20, and a new token TRC21 for developers to build frictionless games and for users to have the best user experience. Furthermore, later this year, TomoChain will launch its TomoX protocol that allows anyone to build a decentralized exchange on TomoChain within a few minutes. This opens a new era for any game, developers, and players to buy, sell, and make money for developing and playing games.

If you are a developer and you are interested in building games on TomoChain, here is our documentation prepared for you.

