Congrats to Midas Protocol launching ICO

TomoChain Publisher
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018

Dear TOMO Community,

Midas Protocol team has been very busy lately building their products, meanwhile, communicating with the community their vision and mission.

Midas Protocol unveiled the blueprint for the whole ecosystem consisting of 3 pillars. The first pillar is Midas Protocol 3-in-1 Wallet storing multi-cryptocurrencies and tokens, and conducting complex trading activities directly from wallet. The second pillar is Midas Foundation as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that runs on a web-based platform which provides passive income and smart investment opportunities to the Pioneers through rewards/airdrops from those projects that are supported by the Foundation. The last pillar is VINEX network crypto exchange. All of the products will use Midas utility tokens when launching.

More information about Midas Ecosystem:

Kambria, one of the Tomochain partner, is the first project running the voting in the Midas Foundation, and the event is getting a lot of attention from community.


At Tomochain, we are glad to be a partner with Midas Protocol to build a healthy and strong blockchain ecosystem. Therefore, Midas Protocol supports TOMO holders to join their upcoming ICO buying $MAS by $TOMO.

Midas Protocol will also accept $TOMO during its ICO from 1st to 15th July at preferential rate for $TOMO holders: 1 TOMO = 0.001 ETH (current market rate: 1 TOMO = 0.00095 ETH).

The smart contract address will be announced on Midas Protocol website/cabinet ( at ICO launch.

Only users who have passed KYC and whitelisted could participate in Midas Protocol ICO. Please sign up and KYC now at the website to get whitelisted as soon as possible!

Thank you.

Tomo team.

