First Look at TomoDEX’s User Interface

TomoDEX is the first decentralized cryptocurrency exchange relying on TomoX protocol. We provide the traders with a similar user interface and trading experience to centralized exchange.

Ha Hoang
4 min readNov 4, 2019


TomoX is a secure and efficient decentralized exchange protocol that was built based on TomoChain’s blockchain infrastructure. TomoX Protocol allows companies/institutions to create their own relayers (exchange) in the fastest and simplest way without having to know much about technology as TomoX provides an instruction kit with an already built interface. TomoChain’s vision is to lead a brighter future for cryptocurrency exchanges, where TomoX aims to solve the centralized exchange’s problems regarding security and safety. Before proceeding to trade, this article will give you the first look over the interface of TomoDEX.

On the homepage, you can choose to log in with your Private key, Mnemonic phrase, Ledger nano S or Trezor. If you are a new user, proceed to the link to create a new wallet.

After logging in, on the left-side bar, you may see 4 tabs: Markets, Exchange, Portfolio and Docs/FAQs. We will go further on each tab to see what it contains.

Besides, on the upper right corner of the page, you may find respectively:

  • Notification section
  • User’s profile section
  • The page’s language: you may choose from English, Vietnamese.

1.Tab Markets: this tab gives users an overview of the market trends and market cap of all cryptocurrencies within the exchange.

On top of the page, each rectangle shows some main index of popular cryptocurrencies:

  • Growing rate comparing to the last period
  • Equivalent price in USD
  • Total volume in exchange
  • Line chart of price

The table in the middle lists out all the trading pairs with some main metrics:

  • Last price: the most recent trading price of that pair
  • 24h change: the price fluctuation in percentage within 24h
  • 24h high/low: the highest and lowest trading price within 24h
  • 24h total volume: total traded volume of that cryptocurrency within 24h

2. Tab Exchange: this is the main page where you place your buy/sell order and see how orders match to form a transaction.

On the upper left corner, choose the pair that you want to trade on the list, its metrics (you can also find these in the Market tab) will show up accordingly next to this section.

On the right-hand side from the order book, you may find all the buy and sell orders of that trading pair and the list of direct matching orders to form transactions by real-time.

Below are buy/sell order boxes:

  • Fill in the amount of the original token you want to buy/sell and the price, the total exchanged currency will be automatically calculated.
  • Your order will be recorded on the opposite box in the open orders section.
  • You can also track your order and trade history, or funds on the 3 small tabs next to the open order section.

The left segment represents the transactions history in charts:

  • Each column in the chart presents the total volume in 1 period: 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year as you choose
  • Green column and red column respectively display the increased price and decreased price compared to the last period
  • The chart may be viewed in the original trading view, or by indicators and tools.

3. Tab Portfolio: The list of tokens that you possess in your wallet along with their status. You may keep track of the following factors:

  • Total supply of that currency
  • Available amount after placing buy/sell orders
  • In orders: the amount of currency currently in a trade
  • Operation: the currency’s status whether it’s in trade, deposit or withdrawal

4. Tab Docs/FAQs: where you can read TomoX’s white paper and some frequently asked questions.

About TomoChain

TomoChain is built on a performance layer that achieves high transaction speeds without compromising decentralization. TomoChain uses an innovative consensus method called PoSV (Proof of Stake Voting) which gives an incentive to all TomoChain token-holders to play an active part in staking across a network of 150 high-quality masternodes, and to monitor their performance and governance actively. Its staking-governance DApp, TomoMaster, is recognized as one of the leading staking platforms in the industry.



Ha Hoang

Perfections is know that acheiving perfection and doing things perfectly is impossible, and yet they feel driven to keep trying anyway.