TomoChain Game Dappathon Update #1

Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2019

The 1st submission round of TomoChain Game Dappathon has come to a close

We would like to thank to all developers that have joined this dappathon, and also to the community with the highly positive response: with over half a dozen game submissions and 80+ registered interests in our dappathon from developers and non-developers a like.

Most importantly, we have received 8+ game submissions from developers globally, which is a great start to our game dappathon.

Do not worry if you are a developer that has missed out on the first round — the next round opens soon. To register your interest or for more information you can go to:

1st Round Game Submissions

Listed below (in no particular order) are the game submissions from the first round. Please note that TomoChain team will be reviewing these games internally, and we also invite the community to try, as well as provide feedback on these games:

TomoRPS (Rock Paper Scissors): the best blockchain game based Rock-Paper-Scissor and built over TomoChain smart contract providing an online environment for players that can be trusted and fair.

TomoBowl: A social betting arena where players can play directly against each other or in a group.

Tomo3D: Purchase T3D tokens with TOMO and earn passive income everytime someone buy’s or sell’s T3D tokens via our built-in exchange. [DEMOWebsiteGithub]

TomoFomo: Players purchase Golden Tickets. TOMO from purchases goes to the Golden Pot. Last buyers takes everything home.

TomoBuilding: Virtual real estate on TomoChain.

TomoRain: A decentralized gambling dapp platform inspired by a traditional Vietnamese game.

MaxBet: Fairest dice game with an innovative staking system allowing any TOMO holder to become part of the house or players to earn TOMO

[DEMO WebsiteGithub]

TomoChain’s Dappathon 1st round is complete with an absolute winning for TomoBowl, followed by MaxBet, TomoRPS. Results are tallied from our 3 judges, adjusted with the community votes. Congratulations to all winners and thank you to all who entered.

Congratulation to MaxBet with 36.7% community voting which is more than doubled its runner-up TomoBuilding (16.5%).

TomoWallet, with integrated dapp browser

TomoWallet. Available for Google Play store and iOS App store.

Available on both Apple app store and Google Play store, TomoWallet is the official mobile wallet for TOMO and tokens issues on TomoChain. Of interest, TomoWallet has an integrated dapp browser, which allows users to easily launch and browse dapps and games.

To bridge the gap between players and game dapps joined TomoChain Dappathon Round 1 (for those are launched in TomoChain mainnet), we would like to offer a new place for users to access games in no time by clicking to D-APP BROWER and start playing.

This screen will be shown after hitting DAPP BROWSER — Users will see all the Game dApps joining the 1st round Dappathon

Stay tuned for our next gaming update

For more information on our gaming dappathon visit:

Join our gaming discord channel:

For media or other enquiries please direct them to:

  • Email:
  • Telegram: @jakepang

Last but not least, the 2nd round of TomoChain Dappathon is ready for new wage of game dApps submissions. We would love to see more sophisticated and interesting games built on TomoChain in near future.

Sign up now.

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