How to deploy a TRC-21 token on TomoChain Testnet in a few clicks.

Ha Hoang
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2019

As you may know, TomoZ is our brand new product, which is expected to solve a critical user adoption issue found in nearly every major smart contract platform. TRC21 empowered by TomoZ allows token holders to pay transaction fees by token itself without holding any TOMO in their wallet. TomoIssuer is a final piece in the big picture, this tool provides a user-friendly interface for any token issuer to issue a TRC21 token without any coding experience required. This article will guide you how to step-by-step to deploy your TRC-21 token on TomoChain.

Disclaimer: This version of TomoIssuer works on TomoChain Testnet. Remember to change your network to TomoChain Testnet and do NOT use any real TOMO.

Below are the most important features of TomoIssuer that have made it a revolutionary tool:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Issue a TRC21 token in only a few steps.
  • No Coding Experience Required: No prerequisite knowledge about smart contract programming is needed.
  • Token Customization Options: Customize the token supply, token name, and minimum transaction fee through TomoIssuer’s dashboard.

Let’s Start the Tutorial!

At the homepage you will see two main options with the TomoIssuer. The first one is to create the new TRC21 token and the second one is to donate fee for an existing TRC21 token.

Step 1: Go to Token Issuance dashboard, then set the parameters. From top to bottom: Token’s Name; Token’s Symbol; Token’s Total Supply, and Token’s Decimal. A small issuance fee will be charged, make sure that your wallet has enough testnet TOMO. You can get free testnet TOMO from our faucet.

  • The symbol of the token contract is the symbol by which the token contract should be known, for example “MYT”. It is broadly equivalent to a stock ticker, and although it has no restriction on its size it is usually 3 or 4 characters in length.
  • decimals refers to how divisible a token can be, from 0 (not at all divisible) to 18 (pretty much continuous) and even higher if required. Technically speaking, the decimals value is the number of digits that come after the decimal place when displaying token values on-screen.¹

Disclaimer: The token issuance fee is not fixed. The exact number will be announced when TomoIssuer mainnet launch.

Step 2: TomoIssuer will ask you the token’s information to confirm. Please check all the criteria carefully before clicking on the “Issue token” and wait for the contract to be deployed.

Note: Any developer with some experience of developing and deploying smart contracts can refer to our reference implementation of the TRC21 standard to make customizations to the deployed token contract.

Step 3: You will receive a notification when your token is successfully issued, click “View detail” to check the token’s summary including: number of holders, transactions, etc. Choose “Apply to pay fee by any token” for TomoZ integration.

Step 4: Once deployed, the issuer needs to agree that the fees for all transactions to the newly deployed token contract will be paid in terms of the issued token. If you agree with the condition then move to the next step by clicking “I understand”

Step 5: The token issuer needs to deposit a minimum amount of 10TOMO. The deposit can’t be withdrawn. That deposit pool of TOMO is deducted to pay masternodes for transaction processing.

Step 6: Congratulations, are ready to start using your new TRC21 tokens! Now you can edit the transaction fee in your token itself. You can change this number during the operation of your token.

Step 7: In the token management dashboard, you will have some buttons to interact with the tokens such as transfer and deposit more TOMO to pay for subsequent transaction fees. Don’t forget to check your TRC21 fee fund because transactions will not be processed if the remaining deposit is not enough to pay transaction fees.

Donate TRC21 transaction fee

If the TOMO funds of the token issuer in TomoIssuer is not enough to pay for subsequent transaction fees, any token holders can deposit more TOMO to the TomoIssuer contract to continue making transactions.

Go to donate transaction fee tab from TomoIssuer’s homepage. Enter the name of token you want to donate TOMO then input the donation amount. Considering that the transaction fee in TomoChain is near-zero, 1 TOMO can power thousands of transactions.

You can transfer your TRC21 token to any member in your community just by going to “transfers token”. TomoWallet (testnet version) will start running in a new tab so you can use it to transfer issued tokens. We will publish a separate guideline about how to use TomoIssuer on TomoWallet (mobile application) in a few days.

The details of your TRC21 transactions are displayed on TomoScan. TomoScan will show transaction fees in terms of the token and actual fee in TOMO like a normal transaction.

Congratulations! You have learned about your experience in the TRC21 token and how to deploy your TRC21 token on TomoChain. We are very excited to see your awesome ideas utilizing TomoZ and TRC21 token standard. Please let us know in the comments section below.

(1)Understanding ERC-20 token contracts

(2) Video tutorial for your preference



Ha Hoang

Perfections is know that acheiving perfection and doing things perfectly is impossible, and yet they feel driven to keep trying anyway.