How to wrap/unwrap your assets to/from TRC21 Wrapped Tokens on TomoBridge

TomoBridge new version has been released at 3:00 AM UTC on May 18th, 2020. Please follow our instructions to swap your native coins/tokens to TRC21 Wrapped Tokens on TomoChain.

TomoChain Publisher
5 min readMay 18, 2020


We are excited to introduce the new version of TomoBridge along with the TomoX mainnet launch. This new version will help swap BTC, ETH or USDT to TRC21 Wrapped Tokens on your portfolio and enable trading on TomoChain's relayers (DEX).

To simplify the process for users, we would like to present a detailed tutorial on how to wrap/unwrap your tokens on TomoBridge.

Swap your native coins/tokens to TRC21 Wrapped Tokens

Step 1: Log in to and choose the coin/token that you wish to wrap/deposit

Options available for login include: MetaMask, Ledger, Trezor, Private Key, Mnemonic and Pantograph extension. If you haven’t got a Wallet, create one here.

  • Check your account address.
  • Choose the coin/token you would like to deposit.
  • Check our Terms and Conditions.
  • Click ‘Wrap Now”.

Make sure to check all your information before wrapping.

Step 2: Send your coin/token to the public address provided by TomoBridge by scanning the QR code or copying the address below.

When the bellow tab appears, your Wrapping process has begun:

  • Send your coin/token to the specific public address that appears on the transaction dashboard.

* Note: Double-check the specific public address and the token/coin you would like to deposit.

  • After your transaction is complete, Select “Confirm Transaction”.

Confirmation may take a while due to the number of confirmation blocks

  • Once confirmed, TomoBridge will verify your transaction and then send the corresponding TRC21 wrapped token with an amount equal to the amount the user has previously sent to the multi-signature wallet.
  • The address of the wallet that logs in the Platform shall be the address for receiving TRC21 wrapped tokens.

Your ETH/BTC/USDT transaction will be secured as long as it contains the correct wallet address and TxHash.

Step 3: You can check the transaction history once the transaction is verified.

  • The transaction history button is on the top right corner.
  • In this new tab, you can check your previous deposits and withdrawals. For each successful transaction, a Tx Hash documenting your transaction to TomoBridge, and information about your wrapped token will be displayed (including the token's status, quantity & time).

Your native coin/token has been successfully wrapped and sent to your wallet.

Unwrap/Withdraw Your Tokens

Step 1: Choose the TRC21 Wrapped Token that you wish to unwrap/withdraw

  • Please log in TomoBridge by connecting your TOMO wallet if you haven’t done yet. You need to have the corresponding TRC21 Wrapped Token in your wallet to unwrap that token.
  • Your TRC21 Wrapped Tokens balance will be displayed.
  • Once again, by unwrapping, you’ve agreed to our Terms and Conditions.
  • Please read our Terms and conditions then check to confirm.

Step 2: Fill out the wallet address that you want to receive your native coin/token

Please carefully check all the following conditions before continuing to unwrap

Step 3: Enter the amount of TRC21 Wrapped Token you want to unwrap

  • TomoBridge charges a small fee to unwrap tokens. More details. (TomoBridge Fee)
  • The fee will be used for paying the network fees on the blockchain that has the native token.
  • TomoBridge charges a small fee to unwrap tokens. More details. (TomoBridge Fee)
  • This process can take up from a few seconds to several minutes depending on the blockchain network of your coin/token.
  • After the transaction to TomoBridge reaches 30 confirmations on TomoChain, TomoBridge will take a small unwrapping fee, burn the remaining TRC21 wrapped token and unlock the corresponding original asset to the user.

That’s it! You have gone through the whole process of wrapping/unwrapping your native coin/token to TRC21 Wrap Tokens with TomoBridge. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via:

Detailed Tutorial Video


What is TomoBridge?

TomoBridge is a cross-chain portal wrapping digital assets from other platforms to TRC21 Wrapped Tokens on TomoChain. Currently, TomoBridge is supporting ETH, BTC and USDT and will continue to support more coins in the future.

Why do I need to convert my ETH, BTC and USDT into TRC21 Wrapped Tokens?

You need to wrap those native tokens in order to start trading on any decentralized exchange (DEX) on TomoX like TomoDEX. On TomoChain platform, TomoDEX is runs on TomoX protocol, meaning all smart contracts are executed directly between traders. All tokens involved then will need to be synchronized based on TomoChain’s token standards.

What are TRC21 Wrapped Tokens on TomoChain?

For example, TRC21 Wrapped BTC is a token which has the same value of BTC at any given moment. Smart contract on TomoBridge calculates and produces its supply in real-time, regulating the underlying fund with supply and demand information gleaned from user transactions. Additionally. DEX and Dapps on TomoChain can process TRC21 Wrapped Tokens transactions much faster than the native one.

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