Tell Tales — The last chapter of TOMO Hunting Season

TomoChain Publisher
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2018

Dear TOMO Hunters,

How are you finding hunting season thus far?

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou

With Maya’s quote in mind, it is time to tell the world your hunting story in the final chapter of TOMO Hunting season Tell Tales!

We are very close to the end of Tomo Hunting Season, so you won’t want to miss this final opportunity to earn some reward Tomo!

How to participate in Tell Tales?

Step 1 — Write a review/article OR make a video that:

  • Shares your experience using TomoChain testnet products (TomoWallet, TomoScan, TomoStats, TomoMaster). We are keen to hear from those who have been staking as well as those running testnet masternodes.


  • Write an article or make a ‘how to’ video on TomoChain testnet products including how to use TomoWallet, TomoScan, TomoMaster, how to stake/vote etc.


  • Write a review/article or make a video on the TomoChain project as a whole

You can publish your work on social media, including: Facebook, Twitter, Medium, Steemit, Reddit, Youtube, Crypto-related sites and personal blogs.


  1. Submissions that include the testnet and associated products have a higher chance of winning
  2. We are after honest/constructive reviews and want to hear about your experiences whether good or bad, suggestions for improvement are welcomed

Step 2 — Fill in this FORM:


  1. To reduce the copy/plagiarism rate, please add the LAST 6 digits from your subscribed ETH address as a unique code on your work so we will know it is YOURS (optional). Fill in the form as soon as possible once you publish it. We will take the 1st publishment of the same content.
  2. Any written submissions should contain a minimum of 250 words.
  3. The form will be open from 8am UTC Tuesday 13th Nov to 8am UTC Monday 19th Nov, 2018.
  4. You can ONLY submit the form from ONE account. Editing after submitting is okay.
  5. The number of submissions is unlimited, the more the merrier!

Tell Tales Rewards

As you may already be aware, the total Tell Tales rewards will be up to 15,000 TOMO (Yay).

We will choose from amongst the submissions that best fit the above briefs and those of the highest quality for rewards.


  1. The number of winners may change based on the number and quality of submissions.
  2. All languages are welcome though please make sure we understand what you are delivering. For example, for a non-English video, please put English subtitles, for a written submission, we can check via translation tool.

For 24/7 support, please contact admins in TomoChain telegram chat:

Fill in the Tell Tales FORM now:

Thank you and have fun.

