Tomo Cheat Sheet #4 — TomoChain’s Real Use Cases

This article will walk you through how TomoChain’s technology has been commercially adopted in different areas.

TomoChain Publisher
8 min readJun 9, 2020


Updated: Feb, 2021

Why is TomoChain geared for real-world use?

Build things that bring value to people” is what all of us at TomoChain aim for, and all of our products and protocols are built towards. We are focusing on developing a full suite of DeFi products that can be massively adopted.

Today’s blockchain companies are still facing a number of technical challenges and bottlenecks to reach mass-market use. TomoChain’s solution has effectively resolved some of them.


The Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus adopted by blockchain giants Ethereum and Bitcoin significantly limits their transaction processing speed to 7~20 transactions per second (TPS), and consumes an extraordinary amount of computing power.

Whereas TomoChain’s Proof-of-Stake Voting (PoSV) consensus is much more eco-friendly and can process 2000 TPS, with 2 second block time and almost zero gas fees.

User Experience

Most Dapps today are extremely not user friendly, especially for those who don’t hold the native token of the blockchain. That keeps a lot of people away as it could be rather complicated for outsiders to create a crypto wallet and convert their cash into cryptocurrency.

The entire TomoChain ecosystem is made to be user friendly from top to bottom. With the TomoZ protocol, users can make transfers with the transaction fees paid by the token itself. This process leads to a much more frictionless user experience as they don’t even have to know they are using a blockchain service.

On the application layer, we have developed a complete suite of products from wallets to various platforms that have provided turnkey solutions for token issuance and relayer registration. Every single product that we’ve built was born with a neat, easy-to-use interface, and has eliminated most of the technical pain points and user friction existing in current DeFi products.


One of the complaints about blockchain is that there is little protection for user privacy since every transaction is shown publicly and is accessible to everyone.

TomoP is a privacy protocol developed on TomoChain and designed to create safe and untraceable transactions to protect users’ financial identity. TomoP is currently in testnet and is going to be the fastest way to send tokens privately in just 2~4 seconds.

What can be built on TomoChain?

Developers can easily build their DeFi products and protocols on TomoChain with a series of tools and the open-source codebase provided by us.

1. Token Issuance and Integration

You can easily issue your TRC21 token in a few steps with TomoIssuer. By allowing transaction fees paid by the trading token and supporting privacy features, TRC21 is the latest TomoChain token standard issued on TomoZ protocol to minimize user friction.

We can also help businesses deploy ICO (Initial Coin Offering) smart contracts, issue NFT (non-fungible token), integrate TOMO or your TomoChain token into your applications and design the token economic structure to align with business goals.


Triip is a destination service for travelers to book vacations powered by TomoChain blockchain. Triip is a Shark Tank Vietnam alumnus, and the first ICO on TomoChain. Users can book tours and staycations on Triip using their TomoChain token “TIIM”.

Coin98’s mobile app is powered by TomoChain token “C98” which uses the TomoZ protocol. The app now has more than 100K users! C98 is a prime example of how blockchain can be used at mass scale. Their community can earn C98 tokens via daily missions and exchange for real vouchers/merchandise, all without needing to hold another token to pay gas fees.

AIS is Mongolia’s first cryptocurrency exchange. AIS established a business affiliation with the National Investment Bank of Mongolia to operate legally under the laws of Mongolia. AIS’s native exchange token “AIS” was issued on TomoChain (via TomoZ) which offers the optimal exchange experience with seamless transactions at near-zero fees.

Useful links

2. Dapp Development

TomoChain can help businesses build decentralized applications (Dapps) to enrich your ecosystem and solve financial problems. Recently, we’ve seen a growing number of Dapps built on TomoChain network focused on speed, cost, privacy, and frictionless user experiences as mentioned above. With the involvement of external developer groups, the TomoChain ecosystem has grown bigger to complete users’ diverse demands.


PantoGraph App is an all-in-one Wallet developed by Bacoor — the team which built Japan’s most popular ETH wallet — HBWallet and runs a top 5 gaming NFT marketplace: It’s also a networking app where users can log in with their TOMO address, create their profile, message, and send TOMO or other TomoChain tokens to each other. It has a built-in browser and supports chat rooms where businesses can manage their communities. More features and functions will be added later.

TomoPool is the first decentralized staking pool on TomoChain. Node runners can open a pool and become a Masternode candidate without having to deposit 50K TOMO, while other TOMO holders can stake in the pool and receive rewards every epoch.

MaxBet by PigFarm team aims to become a new standard dice game run on the scalable TomoChain with its innovative decentralized solutions for its underlying economics mechanism.

Useful links

3. Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Launching

TomoX is an efficient protocol with which anyone can launch a decentralized exchange (DEX, also known as a relayer) in a few minutes. TomoX offers the speed and experience of centralized exchanges coupled with the security of decentralization where users are always in direct custody of their funds. A liquidity pool will be shared across all DEXs built on TomoX through a giant order book. DEX operators will also have the choice to add the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending feature to their DEX in the future.


TomoDEX, consisting of both spot trading and peer-to-peer lending, is the first decentralized exchange powered by TomoX protocol, operated by TomoChain Pte. Ltd. yet secured by the trustless TomoChain blockchain.

Other community DEXs built on TomoX

Useful links

What enterprise solutions does TomoChain provide?

TomoChain believes that blockchain can add incredible efficiency to lower costs and increase margins across industries. Our team develops a variety of blockchain solutions for enterprise clients to introduce innovations and solve complex problems.

1. Automobiles

Second-hand vehicle valuation is difficult partially because operational history is not recorded during its lifetime. TomoChain’s system incorporates IoT technology to track vehicle life cycle data across different parties including manufacturers, insurance agencies, police, parking garages, and more.


UcarPac is a top 10 used car company in Japan requiring a traceability solution on the blockchain. We completed a Proof of Concept (POC) at the end of 2019. After the assessment, the client commissioned Phase 2 to expand the development of commercialization.

2. Education

Certificate management

Securing graduation certificates and diplomas nationwide on the digital platform powered by blockchain technology is a future direction of the Vietnam government. To turn this intention into reality, Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training partnered up with TomoChain to architect, develop and utilize the National Qualifications Archive (NQA) system. This adoption will not only enable national migration towards digital diplomas but also standardize the fragmented education system of +3000 institutes under one roof alongside fighting fraud, fake diplomas and duplicated certificates.

National Qualifications Archive (NQA) will be the very first project of any ministry in Vietnam applying blockchain technology. The NQA system is set to roll out nationwide for the 2020–2021 school year to store and access all educational records under the purview of MOET, beginning with Vietnam’s High Schools, Universities, and Foreign Language Institutes.

Proof of education certification is still largely conducted physically and can take weeks to obtain official records from the source. TomoChain’s verification system stores certificate digitally on the blockchain. The data is tamper-proof, easy to verify, and accessible by students, institutions, and employers.


We have run several workshops with partners like Asia Blockchain Review and NEO Blockchain to issue NFT-based certificates on the TomoChain blockchain.

3. Traceability

Agricultural Transparency is of growing importance as consumers demand insight into where their food is sourced from and under what conditions. TomoChain’s traceability system is built to be transparent and immutable across the supply chain, from farm to table.

Undisclosed Client

The client is commercializing a food traceability solution on the TomoChain Blockchain for its customers. Customers will be able to scan products and have complete access to product details, sourcing information, purchase date and the vendor.

Previous Client

Te-Food is one of our previous clients offering a farm-to-table traceability solution on blockchain. While they were preparing for their own blockchain, TomoChain helped them build a decentralized food traceability ecosystem on TomoChain infrastructure, allowing customers to access all logistics of the food supply chain by scanning the QR code on the packaging.

4. Healthcare

Personal healthcare data is fragmented, ever-changing, and not always secure. TomoChain’s healthcare system records information onto the blockchain that is wholly owned by the patient and permissibly accessible by hospitals and pharmacies.

Undisclosed Client

The client is a major healthcare technology player in Japan looking to use blockchain to build a cohesive database that can be updated and accessed across a network of patients, doctors, and hospitals. Patients own and control their own data through an administrative website. They can selectively choose who to share it with, including validating new data entered by providers.

Our team and partnerships

TomoChain is a team of experienced experts from various backgrounds, and a trusted partner by many top players in the crypto market globally.

To know more about our team:

Check out our global partnerships

Talk to us

For enterprises, if you would like to find out more about our services and blockchain solutions, please visit our Enterprise Hub or email to

For developers, if you would like to check out our repos or build on us, please join us on Github.

