TomoChain Product Update related to the masternode setup in the mainnet

TomoChain Publisher
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018

Dear our prospective TomoChain masternodes,

We would like to announce that the hardware requirement for masternodes has changed from at least 16 GB RAM Memory to at least 32 GB. This is due to technical requirements designed to better stabilise the system. There will be more changes to technical requirements in the future if necessary.

For more information:

The reason we have updated the minimum hardware requirements for the CPU is that we aim to reserve CPU power for TomoX’s workload when it goes live. As you may know, TomoX also relies on the network of 150 Masternodes in order to distribute the order books and matching engine to make it fully decentralized. In general, the masternode designated workloads are cpu-consumed, and we don’t want the TomoChain network to be compromised by masternodes with sub-optimal power. In future it is anticipated that there will be a significant increase in the workload that TomoChain platform is required to cope with which in turn leads to an increased demand in hardware requirements to enable the system to perform at optimal efficiency and speed. At present, these are the primary workloads that each masternode must process:

  • Creating and validating blocks
  • Executing transactions
  • Executing smart contracts code
  • Executing reward engine
  • Distributing TomoX’s order book
  • Executing TomoX’s matching engine

And it must process the above in-sync with the other masternodes.

For a comparison, the Ethereum full-nodes are doing benchmark with the set of virtual machines that have 32 vCPU and 64 GB of memory.

TomoChain is a decentralized network that anyone can join to benefit themselves and develop the network. Our latest recommendation regarding the change of hardware requirements was concluded post the stress-test in November 2018. Stated minimum requirements are a technical guideline only, and does not guarantee a candidate masternode status. Masternode candidates will compete to earn rewards, and consequently secure the network.

When it comes to the staking, voters are more likely to vote for masternode candidates with the strong hardware specs to ensure stable blocks validation and reward distribution. If the system slows down due to the weak performance of masternodes, it takes more time to validate blocks that will result in the decrease of rewards.

Slashing mechanism will also keep the system stable and well-performing.

If you need any support, please join TomoChain chat.

Thank you for joining us 🚀🚀🚀

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