TomoChain Public Testnet 2.0 Announcement

TomoChain testnet 2.0 with PoSV masternodes is live for you to play around.

TomoChain Publisher
5 min readAug 20, 2018


Good day to blockchain community!

We are excited to share with you an awesome news as regarded as a significant milestone not only for Tomochain but also entire blockchain enthusiast community.

TomoChain testnet 2.0 is available for public participation.

The TomoChain testnet 2.0 launch is a great proof marking a major step toward our mission to be a leading force in building the Internet of Value. TomoChain is The Most Efficient Platform for the Token Economy, designing its infrastructure and working to create an alternative financial system which is more secure, transparent, efficient, inclusive and equitable for everyone.

We believe it is our responsibility to participate in this revolution and partly contribute to add the blockchain value to daily applications.

TomoChain Testnet 1.0 with PoA consensus was live in Jan, 2018 and achieved +1000 TPS under 11 working nodes. But you can forget about it because PoSV with 150 masternodes for governance efficiency and Double Validation for security enhancement are going to change everything.

Before we jump right into the testnet, there are some important things you should go through first.

What is TomoChain Testnet 2.0?

TomoChain aims to be a public EVM-compatible blockchain with the following advantages: low transaction fee, fast confirmation time, double validation and randomization for security guarantees. TomoChain envisions an ecosystem of different DApps running on the TomoChain blockchain infrastructure.

TomoChain Testnet 2.0 Functions and Products:

*[LIVE]Proof-of-Stake Voting* consensus

*[LIVE]TomoMaster for deposit and voting

*[LIVE]Decentralized governance through voting

*[LIVE]Current testnet statistics

*[LIVE]Thousands of TPS**

*[SOON]Double validation*** and randomization

*[LIVE]List of current masternodes and candidates

*[LIVE]TomoScan block explorer

*[LIVE]Rewards for masternodes and voters

*[LIVE]Masternode profile and performance

*[LIVE]Faucet TOMO for testnet

*[LIVE]Block finality status


TomoChain’s Products


TomoScan provides a user friendly, details and perfection-oriented user interface for TomoChain block explorer. From a user perspective, TomoScan brings TomoChain’s transparency to users, because all block, transaction, finality, smart contracts, DApp and token information are read from TomoChain and shown to users. Furthermore, TomoScan also offers technical visualisations and does useful statistics about the TomoChain performance, token holders and other functionalities.




TomoMaster provides a master professional level UI that brings governance power back to the users. Any coin-holder can deposit 50k $TOMO through TomoMaster to become a masternode candidate. For coin-holders, TomoMaster allows for them to vote for masternodes and the decentralized gorvernance without violating the decentralization nature of blockchain. This is realised by seamlessly connecting TomoMaster to well-known Ethereum wallets such as MetaMask. TomoMaster also explores masternode performance statistics for coin-holders to take their voting decision.




Stat shows the various metrics regarding the current testnet including the current number of masternodes, masternodes performance, current TPS, block-time, confirmation time, finality and other useful metrics.



Faucet allows for users to collect fake $TOMO that is only used for experimenting the TomoChain testnet and has no use in the TomoChain mainnet that will be launched later this year.



TomoWallet is where to store and transfer TOMO. Both web and mobile version are available. User can download (testnet) TomoWallet at App Store and Play Store to play around. In the near future, TomoWallet will be ready for voting/staking on TomoMaster.

Link for web-based wallet:

How to use TomoChain Testnet 2.0?

Check out our docs at:

In this docs, you will know all about TomoChain project from the beginning until now. The clear instructions will guide you step by step how to use our testnet 2.0.

TomoChain Economics Paper:

Dont forget to drop by our TomoChain telegram chat to drop your feedback or questions to our admins.

Important links:

Join us now and feed your curiosity. Tell us what you have in mind.

Thank you to the community for the continued support!


  • Proof-of-Stake Voting*

At the heart of TomoChain, the Proof-of-Stake Voting consensus enables TomoChain as an EVM-compatible and scalable public blockchain, on which every Ethereum smart contract can be effectively run with almost instant transaction confirmation.

PoSV features its Masternode architecture in which coin-holders deposit 50k $TOMO to become a masternode candidate and receive votes from other coin-holders. The most voted masternodes are selected as masternodes for block creation within a period, called epoch. Each masternode takes its block creation in a round-robin manner every 2-second and follows the double validation technique for security reinforcement. A block is finalised if it is signed off by 3/4 masternodes. At the end of each epoch, the masternodes that have signed finalised blocks are rewarded.

  • TPS**

Massive acceleration of blockchain performance is one of the most important key features of TomoChain. With our proposed PoSV consensus protocol, TomoChain can reach at least 2k TPS while still enhancing security through Double Validation. With current 2-second block-time and based on current network bandwidth, a transaction in TomoChain can be confirmed within almost 4-second, which significantly improves user experiences, thus widens blockchain’s adoption into industry. Furthermore, TPS will be dramatically higher once our sharding solution is enabled.

  • Double Validation***

Double validation provides an additional trustless validation layer for security enhancement through a provable uniform distribution decentralized randomization. Specifically, when a block is created by a masternode, it must be verified by another masternode that is randomly selected among the set of masternodes before being added to the blockchain. Double validation strengthens Tomochain’s security, reduces fork and nothing-at-stake attacks, and makes TomoChain unique among other Proof-of-Stake-based blockchains.

Updated: 14th Oct, 2018

