TomoChain & Senpoint Partnership: A simpler shopping method

TomoChain Publisher
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2019

Continuing to expand in Vietnamese’s blockchain market, TomoChain is pleased to announce our new partnership with Senpoint, a community where anyone can earn and shop with unification point cards.

This new collaboration promises to simplify consumers’ shopping experience by eliminating unnecessary transactions. Senpoint will be implementing TomoChain’s newest system, TomoZ, a frictionless system which allows users to pay transaction fees with the TRC21 token they are using instead of another native token like TOMO (TomoChain) or ETH (Ethereum).

As Senpoint’s loyalty points will be taking forms of the TRC21 Tokens, TomoChain plans to provide blockchain training for Senpoint’s engineers, focusing on how to manage TRC 21 tokens as loyalty points. Tomo team will also support Senpoint to integrate a crypto wallet into the Senpoint mobile application. Both parties hope to increase the use of loyalty points and familiarize customers with the zero friction system.

Hiroki Tanaka, CTO of SenPoint shared: “TomoZ protocol by TomoChain can be truly disruptive for the tokenized loyalty program with improved efficiencies, reduced costs, and enhanced brand loyalty. We believe this technology has tremendous potential and are thrilled to embrace this chance to be the leading force in the industry.”

“Senpoint is one of the pioneer businesses paving the way and exploring blockchain technology. We are excited to partner with them in their customer loyalty rewards program. We are confident that TomoZ protocol with TRC21 token can be a game-changer for Senpoint by eliminating several pain points of traditional loyalty programs” — responded Long Vuong, founder of TomoChain.

About SenPoint

Senpoint, the name of both the program and the token, aims to simplify the lives of 90% of Vietnamese young adults who have participated in a retail reward program. It will allow customers to store and spend all of their rewards for different stores in a single account, rather than having to sign up for multiple individual cards, programs, and apps.

About TomoChain

TomoChain is built on a performance layer that achieves high transaction speeds without compromising decentralization. TomoChain uses an innovative consensus method called PoSV (Proof of Stake Voting) which gives an incentive to all TomoChain token-holders to play an active part in staking across a network of 150 high-quality masternodes, and to monitor their performance and governance actively. Its staking-governance dapp, TomoMaster, is recognized as one of the leading staking platforms in the industry.

TomoChain flagship products are:

  • TomoZ — Zero Friction Protocol — the first on-chain protocol that offers the ability for any user to pay transaction fees with the same token the user is holding
  • TomoX — a secure and efficient relayer-masternode decentralized cryptocurrency exchange protocol that empowers a diverse system of relayers, MM providers, and independent projects to work together

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