Tomocoin Public Sale — Proof Of Caring Campaign Announcement

With this post, we have started our public sale process. The PoC form is closed.

TomoChain Publisher
2 min readFeb 9, 2018


Dear Tomocoin Community,

Thank you so much for your support and patience until now.

We would love to present the Proof Of Caring program to help proceeding the public sale.

After reviewing all your work, (it takes a while, so please be patient) we will make an announcement and publish the result. Then we will ask selected members to submit documents to go through the KYC and whitelisting process.

Check out the Tomo PoC:

Please read it carefully.

The submission form will be sent via your subscribed email and published on telegram channel. Please note, it is open for 24 hours only.


  1. Any individual, who is under 18 years, or who a citizen/resident of the following countries: USA, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore is NOT eligible to participate in the token sale.
  2. You can ONLY submit the form ONCE from ONE account.
  3. Please add the LAST 6 digits from your subscribed ETH address as a unique code on your work so we would know your share/task is YOURS
  4. It is our sole discretion to review your works and decide for which, if any, Proof of Caring Tier you qualify. Therefore, participating in the Proof-Of-Caring program does not guarantee your place on the public sale whitelist.

Main contact for PoC program: Alex @aLextomocoin or Victor @Victor_Ngn on telegram.

Note for ETH Address:
- You are strongly advised to create an Ether wallet on and put the wallet address here. When you contribute to our Presale and Crowdsale, you MUST send Ether from the wallet address that you put here. Please do not use wallet addresses from exchanges such as Poloniex or Bittrex, or else you will not receive our Tomocoin in return for your contribution.


The PoC form is closed. Thanks for your submission. We will update you soon about PoC result. At the moment, we will not send you any email about PoC result / confirmation, so please aware of scammers. Thank you again.

