Michelle Lin
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020


How Can You Turn A Worldwide Pandemic Into An Opportunity To Increase Your Future Income Power?

Develop job-related skills.

How many times have you looked at the qualifications for an internship or a job and come across a list of software programs you were unfamiliar with? There is no better time than now to finally acquaint yourself with those software programs or develop other job-related skills, so you can be prepared for that next opportunity.

Take online courses.

Many universities are now offering free online courses available to anyone interested. Take advantage of this incredible learning opportunity these universities are providing. You should never stop learning.

Look for remote internships.

With everyone being confined to their homes, working remote has become the norm. Many companies are still hiring interns and with internships being remote as well, there are far more opportunities to consider as no relocation is required.

Learn a new language.

As our world becomes increasingly globalized, being fluent in more than one language can set you apart for future job opportunities. Whether it’s relearning a language you took in high school or learning a language from scratch, invest in yourself and spend the time familiarizing yourself with an additional language. If anything, it will be helpful for your future travels or even ordering at restaurants when we can all go out to eat again!

Start a side project.

Is there a passion project you have been contemplating but never found the time for? Now’s your chance to get started! Whatever that side project may be, you are guaranteed to learn and grow from it.

But most importantly, stay safe and healthy during this time.

