3 Rules to embrace the future in times of uncertainty

When everything keeps changing and uncertain, how to embrace the future?

Anand Tamboli®


When everything keeps changing and uncertain, how do you embrace the future? Let alone embracing, how do you even find stability?

The answer seems impossible, but it isn’t. It is complicated, or maybe complex. And here is a better way to look at it.

I will be the first to admit that most of the change people talk about is overhyped. The problem with this is that it keeps people in a state of overwhelming at all times. In addition, it is taxing on our body and mind in the long run.

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Think about it for a moment. There are always three things around us:

  • Changing
  • Must change (before “changing things” becomes a reality)
  • Never change

Everyone is rather too fascinated by what is changing. But how often do you find that enablers aren’t just there yet? Most enablers are proxy indicators to estimate when the actual change might happen. We might be talking about a humanlike AI system, a utopian economy where everyone lives happily, or dark factories where only robots work. All of these are categorized as the upcoming future. The future of “whatever.”

But what about the enabling infrastructure to make that happen? What about necessary and foundational aspects being present to move towards that? These “must change” factors are still in their infancy. However, knowing what needs to change helps us prepare for it. It shows us several opportunities to work on. Having that knowledge also helps in proactively working on our strengths and weaknesses.

And in all that, we almost always forget or ignore the third biggest thing — the one that won’t change, ever. It could be the tribal nature of humans, greed, eternal search for happiness, or your principles and values.

My theory and bias are that we can remain grounded or stoic if we focus on this third thing. Not only that, but we also can then embrace the future more gracefully and drive it when practical.

So that comes down to this big question — How to embrace the future in times of uncertainty?

The first and foremost thing to do is, find out what “that” constant is for you. That’s the true north you want to head towards. No matter what changes happen around you, this won’t change. Once found, double down on making it stronger and better. Because the rate of change will keep increasing for quite some time, and it will get exhausting if you don’t have unlimited resources. If you have, then you won’t be here on LinkedIn anyway :-)

Find what’s your constant.

The second thing to do is, learn to spot the difference between fads and trends. Trust me; this is a life-saving skill of our current times. While spending time on fads will waste your time, investing in trends will help you thrive.

Learn to spot the difference between fads and trends.

The third and final thing is to “start before you feel ready.” The speed and uncertainty in today’s world make it nearly impossible to get everything right at the get-go. There is always some surprise or challenge. Then why waste time waiting for every light to turn green? Let go of things that are out of control and use that energy to drive what is in control.

Start before you feel ready.

So here is the summary. First, find out your constant — the thing that will never change for you — maybe it is the principle you live by or the thing you feel you must do no matter what. Next, learn to spot the difference between fads and trends and invest your energy and resources in trends. Either by following them or by influencing or driving them.

Don’t wait for things to happen for you. I know it sounds cliche, but seriously, it is better to make them happen rather than waiting on someone or something.

It is better to make things happen rather than waiting on someone or something.



Anand Tamboli®

Inspiring and enabling people for a sustainable and better future • Award-winning Author • Global Speaker • Futurist ⋆ https://www.anandtamboli.com