Change is overhyped, but…

Anand Tamboli®
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2023


Almost every week I have someone telling me how things are changing fast and change is the only constant. But after being in the open field (of work) for nearly 23 years, I beg to differ.

Change is so overhyped but…


The fact is, there is enough information on the internet to cause overload. People continuously talk about what is changing and what needs to change. And most often we forget the third variable, which I would say is constant. And that is, “What is not changing!”

And believe me, this constant is significantly bigger than the other two variables. Understanding what is changing helps in adapting. Knowing what needs to change helps in preparing for it. However, it is necessary to see the full picture and understand what won’t change before taking any steps.

Makes sense? What do you think?


Apparently, this one is taking longer than expected. But it is coming real soon. if the following newsletter doesn’t announce its completion, ask me why. Hold me accountable!

For now, we are done with the rough cuts and they are being reviewed. We will be organizing private screenings before its web release. So if you would like to attend a private screening, do let me know soon.

PS: If you are keen on getting involved in the “Visible Founders” project for the next season, feel free to reach out.


Your influence begins with your positioning. In my book, YOU 3.0, I elaborate on a three-pronged strategy — positioning, publication, and collaboration.

It is the same one I wrote about in my HBR article.

Quite often, doing your best is less about results and more about the preparation that goes into it. Someone on their marks will run faster than someone sitting duck. Makes sense?

An average person in a better position is more likely to beat a poorly positioned genius.

The positioning gives clarity and certainty.

So, what do you think about your positioning?

Keen to read further? Here’s the link to download a free copy of my book. Grab it today.



Anand Tamboli®

Inspiring and enabling people for a sustainable and better future • Award-winning Author • Global Speaker • Futurist ⋆