How we crafted Ton: Personas — Part 2

Hugo Vinicius
Ton Design Team
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2020

If you are here and don’t know where are you, go check the PART 1

How to read the Proto Personas

So with our Proto Personas in hands, we decided to set some proof points to see if they are real and most important if we could reduce a little the number of personas since we consolidate the proto’s with our users calls we get a good view about then but thinking more about this part all the user’s that call to our customer service center had something to complain about and what about the people who didn't have any problem with the product yet? How do they feel about the product and the service?

Thinking about that we decided to call to our users, we have their phone on our data and they’re using the product, so why not get their insights?


This part of the process was so interesting to us that we spend more time than was planned on it, each call who should least 5 minutes ended up with 30 minutes or more, our user is that kind of “two sides” mind; if they don’t want to talk they will shut down the call with 10 seconds but if they want to talk…get ready.

At this point, we set it up a new Airtable file where we set then inside a part of our user journey, their pain, their difficulty, if their problem is on our roadmap or not and so on. This could help us to possibly merge some proto personas and have a better view of our user and guess what? BULLSEYE!

We had 246 interviews on our airtable

With the end of this process our number of personas went from 7 to 5 our main asset to know that was creating a tag on airtable that tells us “how close that user was to a persona” and we started to see that some interviews fit in 2 proto personas at the same time, with that, we understand which proto personas should be merged into just one.

The presentation

Now we have our final 5 personas, we used a lot of insights gathered from the interviews to build their backgrounds, fear, goals, pains and so on. It was an amazing process to build and to ended up in style we decided to present then to the whole team, we scheduled a call and printed the personas in real paper and placed all around our space.


Now with our personas, we have a clear vision of where our roadmap has to go and how we can test our product, a lot of this content has some company protection so we can’t display than here, but more valuable than the result is the process and feel free to contact any of our designers to have more about our personas project and also our product.

