2018 Annual Reflections

Ryan Glasgo
Tondo Foundation
Published in
1 min readJan 6, 2019

As we entered the new year, we took the time to reflect on the past in order to ensure our prior experiences continue to inform the future direction of Tondo Foundation. Rather than keep these reflections internal, we’ve decided to share them along with updates on our journey so far. We hope that these reflections and learnings may be of interest and, ideally, even useful to our partners, both existing and prospective, as well as other funders and investors.


  1. Reflections From Our Chairman: Our Chairman, Francesco, reflects on sharing the opportunity and responsibility of managing Tondo Foundation
  2. Strategic Reflections: Our CEO, Ryan, reflects on the year’s questions, learnings and decisions
  3. Philanthropy — Our Journey So Far: Our Director of Philanthropy, Nicky, reflects on our values, mindset and approach to partnership
  4. Investments— Our Journey So Far: Our learnings and the evolution of our Mission Related and Program Related Investing
  5. Snapshot: Cambodia: A snapshot of the context our partners work in
  6. Snapshot: Starfish Education Foundation: A snapshot of our sister foundation

