Tilman Hoppstock’s New Album (ft. LAGQ) | tonebase Recommends

tonebase Guitar
2 min readJan 20, 2019


By now, most of the guitar world has heard the tale of Allan Willcocks and the epic prank Tilman Hoppstock pulled on guitarists and musicologists around the world. (If you haven’t, it’s definitely worth looking into!)

To our great pleasure, more works from the “20th century composer” have recently turned up, this time written for our good friends Bill Kanengiser, Scott Tennant, and the rest of the gang in the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet.

The group recently released a behind-the-scenes video of them and Tilman rehearsing and recording his new work Suite Transcendental for his album, Hoppstock/Willcocks Works for Guitar,” which was released this last weekend! Our friend Kai Narezo even took part in the fun by working his magic with the quartet’s recording.

In total, the album features 42 tracks of music written by Willcocks including his 12 Impressionistic Sketches, Miniature Preludes, and Studies for Guitar. The CD ends with all five movements of his new Suite Transcendent recorded by LAGQ.

Enjoy the look behind-the-scenes below and listen to the full work on the CD!

“To jump into another personality … gives me much inspiration” — Tilman Hoppstock

tonebase gives you instant access to knowledge from the world’s greatest guitarists, performers and educators. Watch lessons from Tilman Hoppstock and members of LAGQ by visiting tonebase.co!

