Video: Nikita Koshkin in Concert — tonebase Favorites

We’re sure you’ve heard of Nikita Koshkin, the COMPOSER. But how about Nikita Koshkin, the GUITARIST?

tonebase Guitar
2 min readJul 10, 2018


For most of us “millennial classical guitarists, a good portion of our music education can be attributed to watching hundreds of guitar videos on YouTube.

At this point, even great pedagogues embrace the wonderful resource YouTube really is. In our interview with Scott Tennant, he shares that for many of his students…

“If it’s not on YouTube, it doesn’t exist.”

For that reason, many of us grew up playing the music of Nikita Koshkin, but due to the lack of YouTube documentation, never really knew what he was like as a player himself. Thankfully, that all has changed as a video of him performing has finally surfaced on YouTube!

The video captures a 90-minute concert of his from 1996 in Moscow’s famous Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Among many great works, Koshkin performs his smash hit Usher Waltz along with the fascinating Piece With Clocksboth of which he teaches on tonebase.

For those of you who are like us and just seeing him play for the first time, enjoy experiencing his brilliance as a composer AND a performer below — all part of your ever evolving YouTube education!

We hope you enjoyed this new type of blog post — tonebase Favorites. Let us know if you’d like to see more of these! In the meantime, check out all of our lessons with Nikita Koshkin and other amazing musicians including Scott Tennant, Sharon Isbin, Pepe Romero and others, by heading over to!

Peace, love & A-M-I scales,
the tonebase team

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