How Earle Fest Sold Thousands of Dollars of Tickets on a Limited Budget

Colin Fee
ToneDen Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2017


Isabelle Garson is the Assistant Marketing Director for SOMO Concerts, a live event concert series in Sonoma County. SOMO Concerts and the Earle Baum Center for the Blind host a one-day pop-up festival, Earle Fest, designed to raise funds for people with sight loss.

Isabelle came to us to learn how she could use a data-driven approach to reach the maximum number of event attendees online. By using ToneDen’s ad platform for her Earle Fest’s social marketing, she was able to determine her best-performing target audience and measure the ROI of her ad campaign. This resulted in directing hundreds of people to their website and raising thousands of dollars online before the event.

Raising awareness

Isabelle wanted to optimize her target audiences for her advertising campaign. Most advertising today is done in an “all on black” approach where festivals will cater to one potential audience and hope that they have a winning bet.

However, ToneDen’s automatic split-testing evaluates the best potential audiences and reinvests more ad spend into the winning target audiences.

Taking a data-driven approach

By testing multiple audiences, ToneDen was able to pinpoint three unique audiences capable of bringing in revenue at different times of the campaign.

In the end, ToneDen’s Interest Lookalike Audience outperformed the traditional approach of creating a custom audience by raising over $100 more while spending less.

Real Results

By using ToneDen’s budget optimization and split-testing, the Earle Fest Benefit campaign achieved a return on investment of 7.4x. For every $1 Isabelle spent advertising, she gained $7 in ticket revenue.

Perhaps more importantly was the optimization of Earl Fest’s small budget to reach over 14,311 people, bringing greater recognition to their cause. You can learn more or give donations to the Earle Baum Center for the Blind here.

“Keeping landing page creation, audience management, contests Facebook/Instagram advertising, link shortening and more has been crucial for scaling our business and the audiences of our clients. I’ve been using ToneDen everyday for 6 months — and I see that trend continuing for a long time to come.”

— Isabelle Garson, Assistant Marketing Director

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