Introducing Audience AI

A new automated way to find your perfect customers on social media

Tim Thimmaiah
ToneDen Blog
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2017


Your future customer is probably looking at their Facebook News Feed right now. So are 100 million other people, right now. How can you — the creator, the marketer, the brand — access that vital moment and take advantage of the perfect opportunity to convince this potential customer to spend their dollars on you?

The challenge today is in targeting. Targeting means finding people most likely to buy what you’re selling. Whether that product is content, a physical good, or an experience, you need to be able to reach and convince the right people at the right time to spend. For new brands and established businesses alike, this is an unescapable problem.

When spending your marketing dollars, the last thing you want to be doing is guessing. Guessing on who to reach is expensive and time consuming. The Coca Cola’s of the world aren’t limited by budgets so they can afford to guess, but if you’re a creator or small business, you need to find your next customer as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Today we’re excited to introduce a new way for you to master audience targeting and build your brand faster.

Audience AI is an intelligent system that finds your customers on social media automatically.

Think of Audience AI as an army of engineers and analysts guiding you into the news-feeds of potential customers on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Audience AI at work

Audience AI automatically builds your target audiences using a variety of data sources along with predictions about your ideal buyer’s social media behavior and characteristics. The end result is a set of quality audiences, created in a matter of seconds, that will help you identify the right targeting parameters that lead to more conversions and sales.

Here’s why Audience AI is awesome:

It makes your data actionable

Information about the people who care about your product or brand already exists all over the internet. Consolidating email lists and social insights is hard enough, but using your data meaningfully when creating audiences to advertise can be truly complex.

In social advertising, not all audiences are created equal. Data from one source may be of higher quality and lead to more conversions than data from another. Combining data from multiple sources may lead to better results than one source alone. Audience AI takes this into account and helps design audiences based on what it can learn from the data you have from multiple sources.

Audience AI starts with the available data from platforms and tools you probably use everyday. We’ve built integrations compatible with awesome platforms like Eventbrite, Shopify, and MailChimp, allowing you to unify the knowledge you‘ve accumulated about your customers when building the best target audiences for your marketing campaigns.

It’s constantly learning how to make you more money

Audience AI is designed to learn how to reach the right buyers across social media over time. For each campaign you run, its system remembers and applies what it knows about the parameters that lead to successful targeting and getting people to convert and buy.

This built-in learning process is crucial to Audience AI’s ability to repeat advertising success without having to waste time going back and picking apart what worked versus what didn’t. Our goal is to have Audience AI understand how to build you the perfect audiences for your specific product or brand — and rapidly help you acquire more loyal customers.

Audience AI’s process

It’s easy to understand, customize, and extend

Behind Audience AI’s automated system is a framework we’ve built for making the creation of complex audiences easy to understand and customize.

The Audience Builder interface allows you to create a wide set of audiences that can be tuned to your liking. The sources of data (Facebook, Shopify, etc.) are the Ingredients to Recipes for pre-built audiences that can be generated immediately.

Audience Builder lets you build the best audiences fast

For more advanced marketers, we’re adding in the ability to build custom recipes and extend Audience Builder to cook up the perfect target audience for your needs. This will save you countless hours designing the right audiences for your campaigns. In addition, Audience AI will learn to use your custom-built recipes when automating your audience generation. The extensibility of Audience Builder provides Audience AI with more knowledge so it can be smarter at driving you results.

It will automate your social marketing

Audience AI is a major step forward in reducing one of the biggest challenges in social marketing today. By taking the guesswork out of audience targeting, we aim to guide marketers to advertising success faster than ever before.

Audience AI works perfectly in tandem with our Creative A/B testing and Budget Optimization technology, providing you with a sophisticated yet easy-to-use toolkit to reach your customers across social media.

With Audience AI, we’re incredibly excited to continue empowering marketers like you to build your brands and businesses sustainably. If we’re not working with you yet, we’d love to show you how ToneDen can supercharge your ability to reach the people who matter.

