Liquified Owns One-on-One with ToneDen

JoAnna Novak
ToneDen Blog


For more than two decades, Liquified has thrown parties and events across the US. They’ve nurtured EDM scenes in Atlanta and Los Angeles, and hosted house music legends Sasha and John Digweed’s Northern Exposure tour. But even forerunners need to keep happy fans.

“We like to overload people with value,” Henry “Parker” Reyes told ToneDen. Whether that’s crowdsourcing a show’s opening act or polling fans about their favorite styles of electronic music, Reyes uses ToneDen to deliver the one-on-one experience that keeps Liquified at the top of the events space.

“Whenever I have an idea, I run it by ToneDen,” Reyes says. “They’re always, always super helpful. The more I can learn, the more I’m going to use.”

Lesson 1: Facebook Messenger is Powerful

The word is out: Facebook Messenger is the new email. The open rates are consistently sky-high and the platform is far more personal.

In fact, the platform is having a peak moment. A recent article in eMarketer noted: “According to a survey of US smartphone users conducted by Vibes in March 2018, more respondents were interested in using Facebook Messenger to engage with a brand than any other messaging platform.”

For most marketers, then, the challenge is often building a strong Messenger list. This is a challenge that Reyes has met and conquered. In fact, he’s come up with unique ways to grow Liquified’s Messenger list, putting the company at the front of the pack of ToneDen’s Messenger users.

Lesson 2: Get Creative with Campaigns

“Just give you a breakdown of the campaigns I’ve been doing pretty regularly,” Reyes shares, “they’re A) building my Messenger list and B) hyping up the following day’s annouce.”

Consistently, Liquified utilizes Messenger to announce releases and event on-sales with contests. In his Facebook post, he’ll include a creative — a photo or a video — that doesn’t show the artists face, and offer fans the chance to win tickets to a show if they guess the correct performer before the 1 pm announce.

“I include a caption that says be sure to respond to our message from Messenger,” Reyes says. “The bigger the artist is the, more hyped people are, the more people that are going to enter the contest.”

Reyes used a variation on this strategy to announce Borgeous’s show at Opera Nightclub, and ToneDen’s Events Playbooks provided the perfect scaffolding. With a contest post that included clear, easy-to-follow steps (yes, emojis included), Liquified’s Facebook followers were invited to tag friends in the comments and opt-in to the Facebook message they’d be receiving. Liking and sharing the photo got users more chances to win VIP tickets.

“The opt-in rate has been pretty high,” Reyes tells ToneDen. The response to the Borgeous show was no exception. The post found nearly 3000 viewers and 40 of those people replied to the comments. 37 of the 40 subscribed to Liquified’s Messenger list, a 92.5% opt-in rate.

Even better? 5 of those new subscribers purchased tickets through the targeted advertising campaign, leading to new revenue created alongside loyal subscribers for future purchases.

Lesson 3: Keep Growing — but Stay Humble

“I think as of now we have maybe 450 subscribers,” Reyes says. “My goal is to build this list out to like 2, 3, 4000 people. If the open rates stay where they are, that is extremely powerful.”

Reyes attributes the popularity of Facebook Messenger to the one-on-one nature of the platform. While Liquified has become a big deal in the events space, their partnership with ToneDen helps them stay in close contact with the people who matter most — their fans.

Ready to keep connected and grow your Messenger list? It’s easy with ToneDen. Get started now!

