5 Tips for Being a Better Coordinator.

Tonkean Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2018

No matter your role, you probably spend time coordinating. Depending on your responsibilities, of course, the amount of time spent coordinating varies. From people who are specifically project coordinators to administrators and executives, coordination is an aspect of just about everyone’s routine. Because it’s something we all have to do, here are a few tips to be a better coordinator.

Relationship Building

Work on your relationship building skills. Your colleagues will be more inclined to want to cooperate with you because they like, trust and respect you — which translates to fires getting put out more quickly and projects being completed faster.

Concise Communication

The quicker you can get to your point the better. People skim emails and don’t really listen to voicemails. Get good at keeping your emails, Slack and text messages short, concise and direct. The fewer words you use, the more likely they will be remembered.


Focus on being frank and transparent. People appreciate it, especially in business. How long have people been saying time is money? By being transparent and up front, lines of communication are more open and ultimately collaboration moves along more smoothly.


Monitor and understand your business data more deeply than anyone else on the team. By being the expert on what your data means holistically, you proactively increase the team’s reaction time to opportunities or crises.


Use relevant tools and applications to automate as much routine work as possible. Coordination can be a tedious chore if you’re spending too much time doing manual work that could otherwise be handled by the right software solution. Find a clean, simple one to keep things organized and facilitate follow through so you can focus on the human aspects of your role.

Are there any other tips you think are key to great coordination? Let us know!



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