The Calculator You‘ve Never Heard Of, But Absolutely Need.

Tonkean Blog
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2018

We’ve created something fun over here at Tonkean. We’re constantly talking about how much time our platform saves you and to help pull the pieces of our puzzle together, our amazing engineering team created a Coordination Calculator.

With this new tool on our website, you can finally give your boss a legitimate cost-saving proposal (since there’s proof)! The calculator is on our homepage, so it’s easy to find.

Our mission at Tonkean is to help you help your business. We want to help you accomplish your organization’s, team’s and, even your own, goals. By automating the coordination work that takes up so much of your day, you’ll be able to lead your team and ultimately, your business, in the right direction.

Once you try our Coordination Calculator out and see all the time Tonkean can save you, we’re confident you’ll be convinced Tonkean should absolutely be adopted in to your workflow.



Tonkean Blog

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