It’s 2018. Time for Smart Automation.

Tonkean Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2018

Recent trends in management solutions software are focused on improving the organization and visualization of projects and data. These platforms are built on the belief that enhancing these qualities alone will elevate productivity. The problem, however, is - better organized and more visual is still MANUAL. You’re still required to perform repetitive functions manually to get value from these tools.

We at Tonkean have always believed that the future of the workplace is intelligent automation. So, we built the very first Management Automation Platform; the one solution that not only organizes your projects and data into a single, unified dashboard, but, that also leverages the power of A.I. to intelligently automate the routine tasks associated with staying updated and ensuring accountability.

With our Management Automation Platform, say goodbye to the chore of chasing updates, to those spreadsheets and documents you manage to track your work, and to sifting through your business tools hunting for the critical insight you need. From executives to managers and individual contributors, everyone can spend less time staying organized and more time taking action.

In Tonkean, you can easily create and manage lists of things you want to keep track of; projects, clients, campaigns… or just about anything. Invite collaborators and assign them ownership. You can also add key data from your business tools to heighten visibility. All of this is organized in a fully customizable dashboard giving you end-to-end visibility.

Our A.I. Bot monitors your lists and proactively reaches out to the owners for updates, or alerts them when data suddenly fluctuates or another custom condition triggers it. It’s all proactively and smartly executed via Slack, Stride, Microsoft Teams or email. Intelligent automation!

No more time-consuming sync meetings.
No more remembering to follow-up.
No more nagging.
No more worrying about things falling through the cracks!

Automation Triggers (formerly Follow-Up Triggers) are how Tonkean knows when to engage task owners. They train the A.I. Bot to actively monitor your data, proactively reach out for insight and updates, and propel real action.

We have recently introduced Automation Trigger Templates to get you up-to-speed more quickly and help streamline your on-boarding process. With these templates, custom conditions for triggering A.I. Bot activity are available at the click of a button. Rather than working through your use cases and configuring manually, we’ve configured some common ones for you!

Ready to get started? Check them out!

These templates were designed to inspire you on how to optimize your workflow and focus on the bigger picture of your business reality. Everyone hates spending their days in meetings and coordinating other teams, only to see work get done after hours in the peace and quiet of their own home. Our mission is to help you eliminate this tiresome activity.

We are thrilled about the current focus on creating software tools that facilitate better organization and more visualization. We’re in that business, too. But, there’s more to it than just cleaning stuff up and making it pretty and digestible. The key ingredient is missing. Intelligent automation!

It’s 2018 already! Stop manually following up, wasting time in sync meetings and chasing down the information you need. It’s time to take action, solve real problems, and join us in the future of the workplace.

Need help? Have questions? Give us a shout and we will show you how to configure your own custom Automation Triggers and empower you to leverage everything our platform has to offer.

Looking for additional inspiration? Check out our Dashboard Templates.



Tonkean Blog

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