Our Product Hunt Launch

Sagi Eliyahu
Tonkean Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2018

The last week has been a big one here at Tonkean. We are just now coming up for air, and want to share our recent accomplishment.

On March 1, we launched on Product Hunt. For the uninitiated, Product Hunt is a site where the best new products are showcased, reviewed and voted on. On a daily, weekly and monthly basis, “winners” are named based on the number of “upvotes” received. Winning on Product Hunt is a pretty big deal. It creates demand, facilitates brand building, and draws interest from the media and prospective investors. For us, this was a critical initiative and it was “all hands on deck.”

We are proud to announce that we’re the Product of the Day on March 1! With over 700 upvotes, we topped three pretty interesting products — including a new Uber release. 🙂 🥇 🎉

Since then, we have received another 200+ upvotes, thousands of new people visited our website and hundreds of companies signed up and start using Tonkean. We also got lot of love on social media and sites like Siftery, Hammer That.

We are very proud of our platform and are thrilled about the positive response.

Tons of space has been devoted to “how to launch successfully,” so I won’t get into the details in this post on finding the best launch day, securing a hunter, spreading the word without alienating the Product Hunt community, and the luck when it comes to that day’s competition. It’s all important and there is plenty of advice out there about it. If you do have specific questions though, feel free to contact us.

Mostly, it was the hard work and dedication by the Tonkean team that brought it all together for our successful launch; our design and marketing teams who created the materials and promoted the launch, our accounts team who has been tirelessly engaging with new prospects and customers, and our product and engineering teams who built our amazing platform and made sure it was (and always is) up and running with no issues. It was truly a team effort. Thank you all!

And, thank you to all of our customers, partners, friends and families who helped us spread the word and cast your votes. We are grateful for your support!

So, now the real fun begins! :)

If you’re not using Tonkean yet, try it out for free at tonkean.com.



Sagi Eliyahu
Tonkean Blog

Founder & CEO of @Tonkean; An entrepreneur, innovator and tech guy